The Energy Fix Episode 100 - FINAL.mp3
0:00:13 Tansy Rodgers: Welcome back to the Energy Fix, a podcast dedicated to help you balance your energetic body by diving deep into the sweet world of all things health and spirituality. My name’s Tansy, and I’m an intuitive crystal Reiki energy healer, energetic nutrition and holistic health practitioner, and a crystal jewelry designer. It’s time to talk all things energy. Let’s dive in. Today’s episode is a very special episode, and I am so glad that you are here celebrating with me, because Today is the 100th episode.
0:00:51 Tansy Rodgers: Welcome. I honestly can’t believe that we’re here. 100 episodes, that’s 100 conversations. 100 deep dives into energy healing, holistic health, mindset shifts, personal growth, and along the way, oh, my goodness. I have learned so much, not just from my guests, but from you, my incredible listener. And thank you for being here with me on this journey through all of these episodes. And if you are new to the podcast, know that there are so many incredible lessons that can pop up for you, too.
0:01:32 Tansy Rodgers: You know, when I started this podcast, when this podcast was in its infancy, when it was just a thought on my mind, I had no clue the amount of growth that would happen not only in the podcast itself, but also within myself. When I started this podcast, it was something that was merely a brainchild of mine that was sitting and just waiting to be brought to fruition for quite some time. Probably, oh, boy, probably about a year to a year and a half.
0:02:09 Tansy Rodgers: As I just sat and thought about it, it was something that I wanted to do. It was something that I thought it would be an enjoyment for me. And it was also a way for me to continue to bring more community, more education, more information, more encouragement and inspiration. And yet I just sat on it. And I sat on it because I wasn’t ready to bring my voice to the stage. I love to speak. I love doing workshops. For anybody who knows me or has been in any speaking engagements or workshops that I’ve done, you will know that I come alive. It is one of my favorite places to be.
0:02:57 Tansy Rodgers: But in the same breath, putting this out into the world was actually pretty scary. And I didn’t realize that it was scary. I didn’t realize that there were things within me that were holding back, but there was. And so there was a point, a very pivotal point, and I’m going to share that in a moment. It was a very pivotal point of what changed and transitioned for me. And so I feel like I needed to go through that before I could actually bring this into birth.
0:03:28 Tansy Rodgers: So back in the summer of 2021, I bought all of my podcasting equipment, and I was ready. I was ready to bring it forward, but yet I wasn’t really ready because it didn’t come out until about eight months or so later. I just sat on it with all of this equipment, all of this money invested, all of this dedication, but I just sat on it. And so, for those who have listened to this from the very beginning, because I talked about this from the very beginning, in the end of 2021, my father got really sick. Well, he was sick for quite some time, but he got even sick, and his cancer started to spread.
0:04:13 Tansy Rodgers: And so the last few months of 2021 were spent in times of family and solitude and community and just being there to help him along the process of him transitioning from human form into divine form. And I didn’t realize it at the time that I needed to be there and to heal some old wounds, to heal some wounds that I had with him, to heal some karma trauma lessons, soul lessons that needed to come forward and to be addressed before I could truly step onto the stage of creating this podcast.
0:05:01 Tansy Rodgers: And as I went through those lessons and those healing points, and him and I changed our relationship and we healed, and we had words that I needed to hear ever since I was a young girl. And he heard words from me that he needed to hear ever since I was a young girl. And so when he finally transitioned over in the end of 2021, it was almost like a passing of the torch, a passing of the baton. And that baton was your voice.
0:05:39 Tansy Rodgers: And I finally felt like I could speak more authentically. I finally felt like I was worthy enough to stand on this stage and talk. I finally felt like I had the courage to put myself out there. And really, that came through the healing process between him and I, I. I chalk it all up to that. And like I said, I don’t think I would have been ready prior to that. And when I started this podcast and I started to step into that voice of mine and the authenticity and the courage and just being who I knew that I needed to be and how I needed to transition forward, it. It just. It just all changed.
0:06:27 Tansy Rodgers: It all changed. It’s been such a journey, and I’m just so grateful for you being here with me on this journey. Not only has this been a tool for me to bring to you, to help you on your own healing journey, but this has been a tool for me on my own healing journey. It’s been amazing. And today I want to celebrate. I want to celebrate this journey by sharing 15 of the most game changing energy lessons I’ve learned through my guests, through personal experience and from you.
0:07:06 Tansy Rodgers: But before we dive in, I have to say if today’s episode resonates and you’re craving an in person energy reset, remember I have. I have a healing day coming up and I would love for you to take advantage of it. On February 27th, I will be at Reiki by Ricky’s in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania offering one on one crystal healing and holistic health coaching sessions. It’s the perfect time if you really want to integrate some of these lessons that we’re going to be talking about.
0:07:35 Tansy Rodgers: You know, things like clearing some blocks, grounding into your energy, getting clarity for your next step. If that sounds like something that you’re interested in and you are local to this area, you can book a one on one crystal healing and or a holistic health coaching session. If you are not local and you still want to take advantage of this. I am doing virtual holistic health coaching sessions.
0:08:03 Tansy Rodgers: So you can still take advantage of it without the in person one on one. Well, technically it’s in person, it’s just virtual, but without the in person virtual location setting and you can still be able to take advantage of that. If this sounds like something that you need, something that you want, I will have the link down in the show notes so that you can book your session and get started on moving forward, working through some of your own lessons.
0:08:34 Tansy Rodgers: All right, well, with that being said, let’s dive in to some of these conversations and these lessons that I learned. Now, what I did was I picked a lesson and I also picked which podcast episode I really felt aligned and helped me to learn that lesson. I also have for each lesson a crystal pairing. So if that is an energy healing modality that you enjoy, I will tell you which crystals I find to be super helpful for each lesson so that you can dive in and use that right away.
0:09:11 Tansy Rodgers: All right, let’s start with lesson number one. Everything is energy. Your body, mind and spirit need alignment. Now the episode that I want to reference to this is Flipping the Switch to higher consciousness with Dr. Terry Bader, and that is episode number 51. I used to think wellness was just really about what you ate, how much you exercised, if you were getting enough sleep. This was way back before I really understood what energy was.
0:09:49 Tansy Rodgers: It was before I understood how important energy healing was, before I got into the work that I’m doing now. But I will tell you, when I had this conversation with Dr. Terry Bader, we talked about how Energy is the foundation of everything. And even though I already knew that, even though I understood that fully and completely, sometimes, yes, even myself, sometimes I forget to prioritize that. I forget that if I do not stand in that truth that everything is energy and energy is the foundation of everything, then I can easily get misaligned.
0:10:31 Tansy Rodgers: And if your energy isn’t aligned, it doesn’t matter how many green smoothies you drink or how much you exercise, you’re still going to feel stuck. And actually you can get pushed back in your forward movement of health and healing. And so this has been such a critical moment for me to understand that it is not just about health and, and energy being or working co in coexistence, but it’s really about energy being the foundation that supports and holds up everything else. And it is what switches you into your higher conscious so you know how to best move forward and to be at your best in all ways.
0:11:22 Tansy Rodgers: Now, if you’re looking for a crystal pairing that you really want to use and step into, I recommend Clear Quartz because it has great energy for helping to clarify and amplifying your energy and bringing you into that high vibrational energy so that you can connect into that a little bit easier and also find where you need to really clear out to let go, to move forward and allow that energy to flourish, that foundational work to flourish.
0:12:03 Tansy Rodgers: All right, lesson number two. Healing isn’t just about fixing symptoms. It’s about learning to listen. And this lesson was inspired by the episode called Cancer Conscious Oncology and Science meets Ancient Wisdom with Dr. Katie Deming. That is episode number 63. You know, your body is always speaking to you, whether it’s gut issues, fatigue, or even just feeling off in certain environments. But here’s the thing.
0:12:40 Tansy Rodgers: Your job, your job isn’t to silence it, it’s to actually listen. And so many times we get into this place of silencing the symptoms that our body is trying to show us. And this can come through mental, emotional, physical, spiritual signs. But we get so used to finding a pill or a solution to quick silence it like it’s doing something wrong. But that’s not our job. We need to listen. We need to step back and listen.
0:13:16 Tansy Rodgers: You know, personally, before I really, truly tapped into energy healing and crystal work, I was always looking for something that was going to be a quick fix, a supplement, a book that I could read, a technique or a protocol that I could follow. Like, I just wanted to take care of it immediately. I’m a Virgo. I’m a Virgo. And that just means, like, let’s, let’s do this thing. Let’s get it done. But what I’ve learned over the years and especially in these episodes and talking to so many professionals and so many creatives and so many geniuses in the work that they do, is that I know true healing is about deep self awareness.
0:14:08 Tansy Rodgers: And Dr. Katie Deming talks so much about this in this episode, especially when it comes to the work that she does. It’s about true healing on a depth where we’re accessing self awareness. The crystal pairing that I put together for this is smoky quartz. Oh, I love smoky quartz for helping to detox negative energy and ground into your body. Body’s wisdom. So if you’re feeling like it’s hard just to stop and listen, smoky quartz is a great way for you to ground into your body and also then help to detox out the negative energy that may actually be clouding your clarity.
0:14:54 Tansy Rodgers: Lesson number three, Your nervous system health determines how much energy you actually have. Let me say that again. Your nervous system health determines how much energy you actually have. Who? This is a big one. And this one was inspired from episode number 17, Breathwork the Nervous System and Vagus Nerve Health with Valerie Scaglia. This was such a great episode because she dove deep into why the nervous system and vagus nerve health really can hold you hostage when it comes to your anxiety, your emotional health, and how your nervous system reacts in everyday life.
0:15:45 Tansy Rodgers: I used to think that being tired meant I needed more caffeine and coffee. Not even joking. I thought that it was something that I just needed a little pick me up and I would be totally fine. Now I know that it’s a nervous system issue. Now, I learned that through the work that I’ve done as being a functional nutritional therapy practitioner and through doing my health coaching. I’ve learned that through that work and that education.
0:16:18 Tansy Rodgers: But when Valerie talked about how the nervous system is so directly tied to anxiety and to to our nervous system response, it was such a great reminder that it is a nervous system issue. Not necessarily. I need more caffeine and coffee issue. So if we’re talking about adhd, stress burnout, it really comes all back to nervous system regulation. And that’s why tools like breathwork, vagus nerve activation, and blue kyanite, which is my crystal pairing here, Blue kyanite for energetic balance are just essential pieces.
0:17:00 Tansy Rodgers: Essential pieces. Of course, the nutrition piece and the exercise and sleep and all these other holistic health tools to help calm the nervous system are really important. But if you want something really simple and very quick. Breath work is where it’s at. So if this is resonating with you, I highly recommend you go back and listen to that episode because Valerie has incredible advice and wisdom to bring to you. All about that.
0:17:34 Tansy Rodgers: Like I said, the crystal pairing here is the blue Kyanite. And I love it for nervous system regulation because it helps to restore energetic flow. I also love it, too, because it helps to open up your third eye, allowing you to have the intuition and the clarity of knowing how to best regulate your nervous system. It helps you to tap into your higher wisdom so that you know how to best move forward instead of just trying to throw spaghetti at the wall.
0:18:04 Tansy Rodgers: All right, lesson number four. Lesson four. The people you surround yourself with either fuel you or. Or drain you. Oh, that is a big one. And that has been a huge reminder, slash lesson that has been very on my heart, tattooed on my heart, the past couple years. And this lesson is directly tied to an episode that’s actually relatively recent. This one is episode number 95, how to set Boundaries without Guilt and Shame with Jennifer Fueble.
0:18:51 Tansy Rodgers: This episode. Oh, my goodness. One of my sole purposes. One of my sole lessons I know is that I need to learn how to set better, stronger, more protective boundaries with my relationships, with my work, with my energy. But one of the things that’s always held me back because I’m such a lover, I’m always so worried about other people, and I’m always so worried about how they’re feeling and if it is okay.
0:19:26 Tansy Rodgers: A people pleaser, right? I’m also very empathic, so I feel when things are off. And so the guilt and the shame of setting those boundaries has always been my downfall. And this episode with Jennifer was transformative. Boundaries equals energy protection. If your energy is constantly drained, check who is in your space, Bam. And I’ll tell you. After I had that conversation with Jennifer, I really stood back and I started to evaluate the relationships in my life, the environments and the people, the acquaintances in my life.
0:20:16 Tansy Rodgers: And what drains me, what uplifts me, what inspires me, what actually makes me feel less energetic, what drags me down. And when I took that evaluation, I realized that there was a lot of people, places and things that it was time for them to go. It was time to let go. And that was exactly what I did. I started to release some of those people, places, and things that were so used to getting my attention, and I.
0:20:53 Tansy Rodgers: And for those that I couldn’t necessarily just release, I started to decrease the amount of time that I spent in and around that energy because it was completely draining me. And I still have more work to do. There’s still more work. I think that this will always be a lesson that I am working with and trying to improve. But in the same breath, I definitely have come forward with that. And, and I will tell you, the amount of stress that has been taking off my shoulders by that simple move of just cutting some of those ties and cutting some of those strings has been paramount.
0:21:36 Tansy Rodgers: Remember, the more connected you are to anything, everything’s energy, right? The more connected you are to anything, people, places, things, what surrounds you each and every day. The more that you’re pouring out energy cords to them, you are binding yourself to those things. But you’re also expending really valuable energy that maybe you do or don’t have. Depending on how your nervous system is. Check who’s in your space.
0:22:11 Tansy Rodgers: Check what’s in your space. That energy needs to flow more in, more boundaries. And remember, boundaries aren’t just about our relationships. They’re also about the things that we choose to have in our environment. The crystal pairing that I love for this one is lepidolite. I love lepidolite for emotional balance, for strengthening energetic boundaries, for how it calms me down and brings me out of that heightened anxiety, how it pulls me out of my head and brings me into my heart in more of a healthy way. Lepidolate has natural lithium in it, so you get that response from that natural lithium in your energy field.
0:22:58 Tansy Rodgers: It is absolutely by far one of my favorite stones, my favorite gemstones for helping with emotional balance, especially for anxiety or overwhelm issues, grief, frustration. Yeah, it’s fantastic. So if you’re looking for a crystal to pair with this, try some lepidolite. Pop it in your pocket, wear it on your wrist, maybe have a bracelet, a pendant around your neck, something that’s going to be close in your energy field because that will allow you to better connect into the energy of the lepidolite and allow your energy body to match with it, bringing you into some of that balance.
0:23:46 Tansy Rodgers: Lesson number five, your space dictates your energy. And it’s always, always changing. You know, we as humans think that to have control of the things that are going on around us will make us happy, healthier, and just feel more solid, grounded and balanced. The funny thing about this, the irony is of this is that we as humans are the most ever changing beings. Everything is constantly changing, always.
0:24:24 Tansy Rodgers: Even the cells in our body are constantly changing. Things are constantly moving. And so this lesson that your space dictates your energy, and it’s always changing, and us as humans really, truly don’t always have control over that. We have some control depending on what we do, but we don’t always have control over that. I linked this lesson to episode number 50, Feng Shui and Space Healing, with Daniela Stapjick.
0:25:02 Tansy Rodgers: I thought that this was perfect because if we think about the fact that energy is always shifting and that by bringing a concept like feng shui in, we can take that energy and manipulate it by simple processes, simple thought movements, simple ways of energy flow, we can manipulate that to create environments that are more energetically appealing, more healing, more restorative, that we can actually take this concept of energy.
0:25:41 Tansy Rodgers: Space is. Energy flow is always changing, and we don’t have a ton of control over that. Right. But yet we can to a certain degree. And so if you think about this, if you think about you as an individual and how the energy around you is always shifting, things like your thoughts, the foods that you decide to eat, how you’re moving your body, your interactions with your spouse on any given day, the way that the moon is hanging in the sky, the way that the tide is flowing, how your environment will interact based on if you have clutter or if you just cleaned up the house, Things are constantly changing.
0:26:34 Tansy Rodgers: And the reality is that you can shift it slightly, but yet you can’t control all the factors. But what I loved about this conversation with Daniela is that she talked about using feng shui and understanding itself principles so that you can bring a level of healing to your energetic space just by simple, simple moves. Because everything holds energy, you can help to activate just a little bit of how that flows, and then that can shift some of the other factors that do play a role in the fact that energy is always changing.
0:27:20 Tansy Rodgers: And, you know, I get stuck in this whole place too, where I’m like, if I go ahead and just. If I just set it up, if I just do this thing, if I just create this certain type of energy flow, I’m gonna be good. I don’t have to mess with it. I’m good. I got it all ironed out and ready to go. But the reality is that that is just not true. And stepping back and reevaluating on a regular basis so that you can bring healing to your space, to your life, to your thoughts, is so important.
0:27:58 Tansy Rodgers: And in this episode, Daniela talks a lot about how you can do that with simple movements of. And the crystal pairing that I brought with this is Garnet, Garnet for helping to ground you in and helping you to be in your space so that you know how to create the shift, but also to help bring passion so that you can feel the energy around you and be able to know where you need to make some of the changes.
0:28:29 Tansy Rodgers: And I will say that this will be a really great time for you to check out my Rhythm and Rise collection, because I have Garnet in that. My Rhythm and Rise collection is specifically designed here for 2025 to bring these energetic shifts into your everyday life. It is based on the numerology number nine, which is what 2025 is bringing us on the energy front. Transformation, change, rebirth, and then bringing in the energetic healing pieces, components of the spiral and the hexagon to really dive deep into some of the healing aspects that are needed for the energy that is on the forefront of this year.
0:29:16 Tansy Rodgers: It also has moonstone and garden quartz in it to help with that as well. So if you head on over to you can check out what that whole collection looks like. I will link that down in the show notes so that you have easy access to that. All right, let’s move on to lesson number six. Adhd, gut health, and energy blocks are deeply, deeply connected. And this lesson I linked together with episode number 75, gut health, functional blood Work and Managing Mental Health with Patricia Schneider.
0:30:01 Tansy Rodgers: You know, for years, I thought that ADHD was just about focus and brain function, simply based off of what I observed from people around me that I knew had adhd. And it wasn’t until I learned just a few years ago that I have adhd. And when I discovered that, I was honestly, I was pissed. Just gonna be honest, I was pissed. I was not happy. I was angry, I was frustrated. I was completely in denial, saying, there’s just no way that this is true.
0:30:39 Tansy Rodgers: There’s no way. I don’t, I don’t. I don’t present the same way. I don’t present the way that I see the people around me that I know have adhd. There’s just no way. And I spent a long time being very angry about it, being very frustrated about it. But then I also, I also just started to research and learn and listen and step into that space and getting my hands onto everything that I could about what ADHD looked like, especially in women.
0:31:15 Tansy Rodgers: And what I learned was profound. Number one, I learned, yes, I definitely have adhd, and I have more Type one adhd. It is so apparent when I, when I learned about it, I would sit there and get so Emotional. I still do because I finally feel like I’ve been seen and I’ve been heard. But this whole thought that ADHD is just about focus and brain function is simply not true. What I’ve learned is that ADHD is an energy regulation issue.
0:31:50 Tansy Rodgers: It’s deeply connected to gut health, nutrient absorption, and nervous system balance. And ironically, these are the main things that I’ve struggled with ever since I can remember, ever since I became aware of my health and started down the road of holistic health care and started down the road of my own healing journey. These were the main factors, including so many other signs and symptoms that are associated with ADHD that I just thought were normal.
0:32:27 Tansy Rodgers: When your gut is inflamed, it affects neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which in turn then directly impact mood, focus, and motivation. And when your energy is dysregulated, you might start to feel hyper focused one moment and then completely burn out the next. And you get on this cycle, the cycle of up and down and up and down, when in reality, when you can step back and say, all right, this is my brain.
0:33:03 Tansy Rodgers: There are some imbalances here, but now I need to step back and just look at the grand picture of and say, okay, what am I in control of? Where in my gut do I need support? What does my nervous system balance need? You know, I just had this whole big epiphany not too long ago that it is more essential than ever that I get my energy regulation under control. And it’s not that it has been completely flying by the seat of my pants.
0:33:38 Tansy Rodgers: I’ve really healed a lot since I’ve learned about all of this. But what I’ve learned is that all these little sneaky places where I do still leak energy, I gotta clean that up. And so in this conversation with Patricia, as she talks about the connection between gut health and functional blood work and looking at what’s really going on and then how that plays into mental health and the management of that was such an eye opener for me.
0:34:11 Tansy Rodgers: Because even though I know about the gut brain connection, I mean, that’s the work that I do. I know about that connection. I didn’t realize because I. I never looked at it closely enough. I didn’t realize the depth in that connection between ADHD and then how it translates into the energy regulation issue. Understanding this connection has changed everything for me. It’s really made me rethink how I need to support my own energy digestion, my focus, and it’s why I’ve started to integrate more and more of this gut health education into my own holistic healing for myself, but also into my holistic coaching.
0:34:55 Tansy Rodgers: When I stood back and I saw that 95% of my clientele have ADHD or have ADHD tendencies, I realized, wow, how many are not really getting the support they need? Because true healing is full body. It’s not just mindset work. It’s not just gut work. It’s not just taking care of your physical body. It is everything. Mm. The crystal pairing that I have for this lesson is Carnelian. This is so great for helping to boost vitality, stimulate digestion, because energy really starts in the gut.
0:35:42 Tansy Rodgers: We need to have a solid gut and its health to be strong, that foundation to be strong, in order for our nervous system to also be regulated so that we can manage our energy better. Carnelian’s great for that. Lesson number seven. Your environment affects your energy, your home, your phone, your workspace. Now, I’ve already kind of mentioned this a little bit, but I want to go even deeper. I want to go deeper because we talked already about the shifting and manipulation of the energy flow, but I want to get deeper in this. And this is lesson number seven. Your environment affects your energy, your home, your phone, your workspace.
0:36:33 Tansy Rodgers: And this is tied directly to episode number 47, shame free decluttering and Creating a Sanctuary with Star Hansen. Energy isn’t just about what’s inside you. It’s about the space that you’re in. Like I said, we’ve already covered that a little bit. But let’s talk about the specifics of the space. Have you ever walked into a cluttered room and you immediately feel super drained? Oh, I’m sure that you just felt this little, like, wave of anxiety.
0:37:08 Tansy Rodgers: It’s because your space holds so much energy, clutter creates energetic stagnation. Unfinished projects keep your mind scattered. Social media and digital chaos, they are major energy leaks. Remember how I just talked a little bit earlier in lesson number six about some of the places that I still have found some of these small little energy leaks? Yeah, for me, that was in. That’s in digital chaos.
0:37:39 Tansy Rodgers: It’s part of why I struggle with being so consistent on social media. Because sometimes when I’m feeling overloaded and I get in there, I’m feeling my energy being drained like a battery. I notice that in my own home, my own workspace, my space is clear, my mind is clear. And when I have a lot of clutter around me, I feel like I just can’t think right. I don’t feel very creative. I don’t feel like I have the energy to do what I want to do.
0:38:15 Tansy Rodgers: It’s why being intentional with your space is so important. And if you are feeling overwhelmed by taking steps to declutter, to step into that clarity so that you know how to clear your space, you definitely need to listen to this episode with Star Hanson. This episode gives you some really great, tangible advice of how to move forward. And I will tell you too. If you have adhd, if you get overwhelmed and you go into freeze mode, if you feel like you just don’t even know where to start and therefore you keep pushing it off, one of the best things you can do is to hire a decluttering buddy, somebody that can help you to say, you know what, let’s just take some first moves, some first steps and help literally to unfreeze you wherever you’re stuck at.
0:39:16 Tansy Rodgers: So if that resonated, find someone that you can trust that can help. Just hold your hand for a moment. Almost like, you know, if you have to use crutches because you broke your ankle, you need somebody or something to help you move along until you’re feeling stronger again. That’s exactly what this is. That and listen to this episode because it’s super helpful. The crystal pairing that I have for this lesson is black tourmaline, and that is specifically for protection from from energetic overload and helping to clear out negative energy from your space when our space gets cluttered or when we have a lot going on around us. And again, that’s either in your physical environment or maybe it is a digital space.
0:40:07 Tansy Rodgers: Having protection from the energetic overload and helping to clear away some of that negative energy can be enough to help bring you clarity and to also unfreeze you so you know how to better move forward and also have the energy to step forward. So black tourmaline, I love that stone. For this lesson, let’s move on to lesson number eight. What you believe about yourself shapes your healing journey.
0:40:41 Tansy Rodgers: And I feel like this is another one that I just want to repeat that because this is so important to remember. What you believe about yourself shapes your healing journey. And I paired this with episode number 35 with Terry Britt is called Embracing Worthiness and Self Love to Shift Old Family Paradigms. This was a powerful episode. Oh, the biggest realization I had was that you don’t manifest what you want, you manifest what you believe you deserve.
0:41:27 Tansy Rodgers: You manifest what you believe you deserve. That’s powerful. If deep down you don’t think that you’re worthy of Healing, success, money, abundance, positive relationships. That great job. Your energy will create blocks around it, period. You know, this has come up for me a lot on this podcast journey. I had to shift my own limiting beliefs so many times to believe that my voice mattered, that I had something important to share, that I deserved to take up space, that I was worthy, that I was worthy of having guests onto the show that actually wanted to be there, that I was worthy of sharing these messages, that I was smart enough to know what I was doing.
0:42:24 Tansy Rodgers: It was a lot. And it has taken so much time to help shift my own limiting beliefs on certain fronts in regards to that. But this lesson is a huge one because you can visualize and you can dream about the things that you want over and over and over till the cows come home. But if you’re not believing it, my friend. Mmm. It’s never really gonna come fully to fruition. That’s where it starts. Now, if you’re looking for a crystal pairing to help you on this journey, I love rose quartz because rose quartz is great for self love, for healing emotional wounds, for opening up the heart to receiving.
0:43:11 Tansy Rodgers: We need to open up to receiving. That’s what’s going to help you to shift your own limiting belief. Lesson number nine, Trusting your intuition is the fastest way to energetic clarity. This lesson I connected to episode number 73, following your intuition, healing ancestral trauma and radiating your light with Donna Wallace. Your intuition isn’t just this gut feeling or a hunch. It is literally your body’s way of communicating energy. It is your highest self, your highest consciousness, connecting into you and helping you to be guided, helping you to communicate of how to best move forward.
0:44:04 Tansy Rodgers: What’s safe, what’s not, what’s right for you, even if it doesn’t make sense on paper. When I started trusting my intuition more, everything started to flow better. The guests I invited onto the show, the topics I covered, even the direction of my own personal growth. When I ignored my intuition, things felt super forced. They felt stagnant, they felt out of alignment. This was especially true when it came to certain guests. There were certain guests that I had invited on in the very beginning that when I connected into their energy, it just. It just didn’t feel aligned.
0:44:46 Tansy Rodgers: Not that they were a bad person at all, not that there was something wrong with them. It had nothing to do with that. It was just maybe the energy alignment wasn’t there. And I decided, especially in the beginning, because again, I was still learning the ropes. I decided that I would have them on the show anyway. And when I did. You can probably guess what the outcome was. The conversation just wasn’t as.
0:45:16 Tansy Rodgers: It wasn’t as juicy, it wasn’t as flowing, it wasn’t as impactful. It just kind of had. It had this little level of stale, like a stale flavor to it. And I learned very quickly that when I connect into the. The guests themselves, it needs to feel ripe for abundance. It needs to feel like it is going to be. This conversation with so much energy flow and depth makes a big difference. And, you know, I learned that intuition isn’t just for big decisions, it’s for everyday choices.
0:45:58 Tansy Rodgers: What you say yes to, who you spend time with, even the energy that you allow into your space. I learned that, you know, when I do my recordings for this, I have to keep it very segmented because if I allow too much energy to flow willy nilly, like into my schedule, it’s just too much and I become burned out and then I don’t get excited and my energy is not there to give to you. It’s really about listening to your energy, your intuition, what you need at any given point, and trusting that it is going to give you your fastest forward movement into clarity and abundance, into your life and into what is meant to come to fruition for you, to what’s going to bring you that beautiful, delicious abundance in all ways.
0:46:54 Tansy Rodgers: The crystal pairing that I have for lesson number nine is Labradorite, because labyrite is great for strengthening intuition and clearing mental fog, allowing you to open up into that clarity. But also from that place of intuition is a great stone for connecting into your third eye and your crown chakra. Labradorite. That’s a good one. All right, lesson number 10. You are your own best healer. I connected this lesson into the episode that I did with Tisha Tolar. This was episode number 82, and it’s called Spiritual Bypassing Surrender and Navigating Life Challenges.
0:47:41 Tansy Rodgers: We’ve all been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for healing over and over and over again. And this is through media, through our doctors, through society, through our community, through social media, through our families. Sometimes a magic pill, a single method, a guru. Yeah, it can even come through coaches that we hire. But the truth is no healer, no supplement, no crystal can do the work for you.
0:48:19 Tansy Rodgers: You have to work in tandem. Now, that doesn’t mean that external tools cannot be powerful. It means they are supportive tools, not the solution itself. Because you, you are the healer. And this is why I love crystal Reiki so much, because it’s not about me healing you, it’s about activating your own innate healing ability so that you can really step forward and use that tool to work in tandem. You are your own best healer.
0:48:55 Tansy Rodgers: You got it deep within you of what needs to heal. And what’s so great is that you also have the power within you to be able to connect to the external tools, to make it a true force, a powerful force moving forward. The crystal pairing that I love for this one talk about a tool that can activate is Clear Quartz for amplifying your own healing energy. For being that tool, Clear Quartz is considered the master healer.
0:49:29 Tansy Rodgers: It’s great for helping to support all the chakras. So using that can help to amplify your own healing energy to better move forward and support you. Lesson number 11. Grounding practices enhance emotional stability. And this is a great conversation that I had with sunflower medicine. This was episode number 90 and it’s called Grounding, Healing and Embracing Self Worth. Now, I’ve always understood, since I’ve gotten into the work that I do, that grounding is such an essential practice when it comes to calming down the nervous system, creating more balance in your emotions, and being able to use nature, even intention, to help ground you in.
0:50:26 Tansy Rodgers: But in a world that’s constantly moving, grounding is absolutely everything. And I think that that was the biggest lesson here, is that grounding is everything. When you’re ungrounded, you feel scattered, anxious, emotionally unstable things just feel harder. Grounding really has become this non negotiable for me now, especially as someone who processes energy deeply. Whether it is me taking my shoes off and walking in the grass or in the sand at the beach, if I’m doing meditation to ground myself in, if I’m using crystals that are really great to help ground and balance me, or even something as simple as laying my full body onto the floor and allowing myself to connect with the earth, even if it is indoors.
0:51:21 Tansy Rodgers: It’s a great way, a huge way that I’ve used to help create emotional resilience and to help me balance out my emotions a little bit more effectively. And you can use this through intention as well. You can use it through intention and the visualization process. But if you like something that is going to be more of the physical response, what I’ve already talked about is great. Another great tool that you can use, an external tool that you can use in this grounding practice, especially if you’re indoors a lot and on your computer, is using something like a grounding mat or even grounding sheets when you sleep at night.
0:52:03 Tansy Rodgers: My crystal pairing for this is again Smoky quartz. Now, I know I’ve already mentioned Smoky Quartz before, but I want to mention that one specifically for this, because Smoky Quartz is incredible for helping for a deeper grounding experience and releasing, like I said earlier, releasing out some of those negative emotions. If I can feel that I have held on to a lot of negative energy, if I’m feeling heavy and more on the negative side myself, if I’m feeling spacey and all over the place, Smoky Quartz is typically my number one. Go to crystal.
0:52:41 Tansy Rodgers: That will help to bring me into that grounded state. Why? Also helping me to relieve, release out some of the energy that I might have been holding on to. All right, let’s move into lesson number 12. We’re moving right along here. Lesson number 12. Healing your relationship with money is energetic work. Oh, this was a good one. This is so good. And this is a conversation that I had with Elizabeth Ralph.
0:53:11 Tansy Rodgers: This is episode number 81. And the title of this episode is Unlocking financial abundance and healing your money relationships. Money is energy, my friend. It is tied to worthiness, is tied to belief systems, is tied to energetic flow. And you know, I will say the biggest lesson I’ve learned in this connection is how much my sense of worthiness has been directly connected to the amount of money that has flowed or hasn’t flowed in.
0:53:49 Tansy Rodgers: It has been directly connected to the energetic flow that I have going on at any given moment. And my worthiness, my energetic flow, the money that’s coming in. If I went and just stripped all of that away and I looked at the foundation, my belief system would have shown you exactly what was going on and why I was getting the response I was getting. The way that you interact with money reflects how you interact with abundance in general.
0:54:22 Tansy Rodgers: So if you struggle to even look at your bank account, that is a huge red flag of a limiting belief because of where you’re feeling that that fear is coming in that’s pulling you away and distracting you from wanting to even look at those numbers. If you go to the grocery store and the only thing that you allow yourself to really look at and essentially overall get is things that are either on sale or maybe it is the generic version of what you actually want, maybe it’s the cheaper version of what you actually want. If that is all that you’re allowing yourself to tap into, or if you choose to go to locations where that is all that’s available, that can also be another limiting belief and a scarcity, an energetic scarcity that’s connected to money and financial flow.
0:55:24 Tansy Rodgers: And I know that the majority of us go through ups and downs when it comes to our financial health and where we’re at with what we can or can’t do at any given time. And that’s not what I’m talking about here. What I’m talking about is the general overall narrative that you talk or say to yourself on a regular basis, how you express concepts about money. This can be through the words that you use, the thoughts that you say to yourself, the actions that you take.
0:55:58 Tansy Rodgers: And so this is not necessarily about going through hard times, because of course, during those times, maybe we are looking to preserve our financial flow and our resources. But I’m talking about what is your narrative on a regular basis. That’s the difference here. And so one of the personal lessons I learned with this is that I really had to clear my own money blocks. I had to clear my own money blocks to expand into abundance in my business, to bring in more of my healing work.
0:56:39 Tansy Rodgers: And even in this podcast journey, I needed to expand my own limiting beliefs and what I thought was possible and what I thought I could do with any of that. This episode was a great resource as Elizabeth Ralph really explained some of the hidden dynamics of where maybe these money blocks in this, this relationship with money, with abundance, with financial abundance is, is really hiding below the surface.
0:57:14 Tansy Rodgers: Because let me tell you, it can be so sneaky. There are things that I have said that I’ve done that I have engaged in, where I step back later on after I process it, I’m like, what was I thinking? Why would I say that? And at the time, it, it just, it just came out because we’re all conditioned and programmed to think certain ways and a lot of us have this conditioning and this programming around money and financial abundance.
0:57:43 Tansy Rodgers: So the crystal that I would pair with this lesson was or is citrine. Citrine for attracting abundance and shifting scarcity mindset. Citrine is also considered the, the sunshine stone. And so it also helps to bring in that positive feeling, that happiness, that confidence for you to be able to move forward and to attract in abundance. Because remember, when it comes to attracting an abundance, it’s also connecting into the feeling of happiness around abundance and money and financial flow. And citrine can help with that.
0:58:22 Tansy Rodgers: Lesson number 13. Environmental factors like EMFs affect your energy. This, this lesson is specifically inspired by episode number 80, the shocking truth about EMFs, wearable tech and your health with Justin Franson. Now, I’ve been in this work for quite some time. I know that EMFs play a hefty role in our overall health and our overall energy. But I’ll tell you, in this conversation, what blew my mind the Most was that EMFs, or electromagnetic frequencies, affect our energy levels, nervous system, and even mood through the wearable tech that we use.
0:59:15 Tansy Rodgers: So when I would go out for a run with my wireless headphones in my ears, that was actually affecting how well I was performing in my run and how much energy energy I had to move through my run and how well my body was responding during that run. And through this whole conversation, him and I talked about how wearable tech, such as some of these monitors that you might wear at night to track your heart rate, track your sleep rate, how they could actually be decreasing the amount of sleep that you’re getting, the quality sleep that you’re getting.
0:59:54 Tansy Rodgers: This was just fascinating because I never thought of it on that level. EMFs affect our energy levels, our nervous system, and even our mood. And in that conversation, I talked about a really, a really profound aha moment that I had when I was working in physical therapy full time and I would walk around with my phone in the back pocket and how I started to have some physical ailments because of that.
1:00:25 Tansy Rodgers: And he Talked about how EMFs literally connect in and will influence our physical body. And so now when I go out for any of my workouts, if it’s a run or a walk or I’m doing something at the house where I’m doing some strength training, I. I take my headphones out. Now I try to keep that exposure to EMFs on the lower side because I really want to focus on my health and also my. And how my body feels. I want to connect into my energy because that’s helping me heal. When I’m out in nature, I want to connect into nature.
1:01:04 Tansy Rodgers: The EMFs, they really play a huge factor in your overall energy balancing. And I’m trying to balance my energy by being out in nature or doing my workouts. And, and so this was just, this was just a big surprise during this conversation that I wasn’t expecting to realize or to learn from. The crystal pairing that I have for this one is Shungite. Shungite is awesome for EMF protection and helping to detoxify energy fields. It’s a great stone to use if you are on your computer a lot or if you are on your phone often and just making sure to have it in between you and the device so that it can help with some of that protection.
1:01:53 Tansy Rodgers: Lesson number 14, spinal alignment is crucial for energy flow. This lesson I aligned with the conversation that I had with Dr. Ryan Wolfert. And this was episode number 92. So it’s a little bit more recent, and it was called spinal alignment. And your health energy doesn’t just flow through chakras and meridians. It also flows through your spinal column. And if you’re out of alignment, your energy is literally blocked.
1:02:28 Tansy Rodgers: Over the years, I have been really shifting to work on my posture, my movement, my spinal alignment, adding more mobility and yoga work, and really trying to shift how my body feels on a regular basis. And since I started being more consistent with that, I have noticed that I have felt more clear, more energized, in a better flow. But I’ll tell you, this was because, number one, I have a full background in physical therapy, body movement work, so I’m aware of this.
1:03:03 Tansy Rodgers: But also, number two, I was tapping into my intuition and trying to understand what it was that I felt that I need. What did my physical body really need, need? And what’s interesting is when I was in this conversation with Dr. Ryan and we were talking about the spinal alignment, I had a full realization of what my energy, what my body was trying to tell me, my intuition was trying to tell me this whole time, is that my spinal alignment was not allowing the flow of energy to be able to work at its most optimal.
1:03:44 Tansy Rodgers: And when I understood that, when he explained, I realized that I was tapping into that naturally. And so if you sit back and listen to this conversation, he’s going to tell you exactly what’s going on so that you can better able assess your own health and see where you’re at. And if you need some spinal work in order to get that energy unblocked, flowing more easily. I share an example in this conversation with him that when I started doing crystal Reiki sessions, one thing that I was intuitively led to, and I felt comfortable doing this because of my background in physical therapy.
1:04:26 Tansy Rodgers: I started adding a little bit of cervical, some neck, spinal area, cervical traction into my session because I could feel the energy was just stuck for certain people and at certain points. And when I started adding that in, I literally could feel this whoosh feeling of energy coming through. It was like it opened up the, the spinal column so that this energy could move more efficiently. So I, I share that with you because you may have a misalignment and have no clue that that that’s actually part of what’s holding you back and why your energy is not flowing the way that you want it to.
1:05:09 Tansy Rodgers: The crystal that I love to pair with this one is fluorite. Fluoride because it’s awesome for helping to balance, helping to focus, helping to bring energy flow. But it’s also, and this depends on the color, depends on the color fluorite. But it’s also connected often into your solar plexus, your heart and or your, your third eye. So thinking about the chakras that it influences, that’s right along that upper thoracic and the cervical spine, allowing that alignment to, to be supported and potentially energetically influenced by using that stone.
1:05:59 Tansy Rodgers: All right, Last lesson number 15. Mindset shifts can overcome deep seated fears. This is episode number 77 and it is called the Power of Journaling. Breaking free from fear and cultivating a growth mindset with Kayla Long. Fear is sneaky. It doesn’t always show up as a dramatic I can’t do this moment. It often disguises itself as procrastination and self doubt or staying in the comfort zone and not really pushing yourself too much.
1:06:42 Tansy Rodgers: When I started this podcast, I had so many hidden fears and I talked about them a little bit already. I had so many hidden fears. What if no one listens? What if I say the wrong thing? What if I offend somebody? What if I stumble over my words and I can’t really say what I need to say? The real lesson here was that fear only has power when I let it stay in the dark. Fear only has power when you let it stay in the dark.
1:07:15 Tansy Rodgers: It’s kind of like that whole proverbial monster in the closet. It, if you don’t look, you don’t look, you don’t look. It just perpetuates in your mind as getting bigger and bigger and more scary and more gruesome. But when you step up and you open that door to see if that, that monster is there with the snarling teeth and you see that it’s not even in existence, all of a sudden, that fear of a monster in your closet, it starts to diminish because you’ve shed light onto it.
1:07:49 Tansy Rodgers: And that’s how I feel about this lesson. One of the most powerful ways that I have learned to move through fear is with journaling. And Kayla talks a lot about the power of journaling. That is something she’s really passionate about. But I have been journaling for quite some time, and when I put my thoughts on paper, I could see my patterns. Kale inspired me to do some deeper journaling work. And so as I got a little bit deeper, I started seeing some patterns that were happening.
1:08:23 Tansy Rodgers: When I asked myself the right questions, I could start to rewrite the story and start to change it. And that could be on paper, but it could also just be in my thoughts. It could be awareness and recognition when some of these fears do pop up again. And when I shifted my beliefs, my energy started to shift too. And I started to create a different mindset around talking and speaking on this podcast and the kind of information that I delivered, who I was interviewing, what topics I wanted to bring to the podcast, to you, where I wanted this to go, and how I wanted to build this community.
1:09:08 Tansy Rodgers: Your mind is like a crystal. It holds onto energy, but you have to have the power to clear it out. My favorite crystal to transform fear, to move it in trust, to activate a new mindset, is using Labradorite. Again, Labradorite is a great one for helping to transform fear, to helping you to step into that trust. Here’s an action step for you. If you feel like fear is really keeping you stuck. I want you to try this.
1:09:43 Tansy Rodgers: Grab a journal or just a piece of paper, or maybe it’s the note tab on your phone. Write down your biggest fear and then ask yourself, what’s the truth behind this fear? What is it trying to teach me? What do I need to learn from this? Can I learn from this? And how can I move forward with this new knowledge? Sometimes it’s just about awareness that can make the biggest shifts. So there you have it.
1:10:18 Tansy Rodgers: 15 of my favorite lessons that came up up over these 100 episodes. You know, it’s funny, I was going back over them and I’m like, oh, but I want to highlight this. And then I want to highlight this, but there’s just too many to highlight. And so I might be bringing in more highlight episodes because there are some incredible conversations that have been had over these 100 episodes. There’s so many more than just these 15.
1:10:45 Tansy Rodgers: And I encourage you to go back and just listen and find the ones that resonate with you and. And give some of them, some. Some of those older episodes, some love, because the words of wisdom are really abundant. You know, looking back, there’s so many things that I would have done differently with this podcast. I would have trusted my intuition sooner instead of second guessing every single decision that I made.
1:11:13 Tansy Rodgers: I would have spoken my truth fearlessly. Instead of worrying about what people would think. You know, trusting myself that I can say what needs to be said, I can speak my truth. I would have paid closer attention to energy before saying yes to different opportunities. I would have really connected in and allowed myself to create a schedule around the podcast that would have amplified energy instead of draining My energy at certain points in my life.
1:11:48 Tansy Rodgers: But you know what? Every single step of this journey has really been necessary. I didn’t just build this podcast, I built this community. A space for real conversations, real healing and real transformation. And I don’t care. I’ve heard people say, well, a podcast is not really a community. I think that that’s hogwash, in all honesty, because a podcast is a community. I may not know somebody else that is listening to a podcast that I love to listen to, but I can feel their energy.
1:12:23 Tansy Rodgers: I can feel the energy translated through the podcast itself. I feel like I’m in a community even if I know nobody else and even if I have no other conversations. Conversations. It’s just by being in that energy, in that field. This is a community. And I’m so grateful for you being in this community, of having real conversations and allowing yourself to truly transform into who you’re meant to be, into taking that next level, that next step in your evolution.
1:12:59 Tansy Rodgers: So as I move forward into the Energy Fix podcast, there’s so many things I want to bring next to the platform and that’s, that’s what I’ve been doing a lot of brainstorming around. I want to bring in more ADHD and energy healing deep dives. I want to have some special crystal healing series. I want to bring in gut brain connections and more and more holistic health deep dives, allowing you to open up to some of these non mainstream concepts, things that don’t get talked about.
1:13:34 Tansy Rodgers: But most importantly, I want to hear from you. I want to know what topics you want next. I want to hear what is on your heart, what you need, guidance around what you have been struggling with. You can go over to Instagram, Eucomplete and DM me, let me know specifically what you want to hear and what’s been on your mind. That way I can really tailor this to you because it’s really about you. This is about you. It’s not about me.
1:14:07 Tansy Rodgers: This is about you and what you need and building this community. So thank you so much for being here. And if you are loving this podcast, I ask you one simple request. Please leave a positive review wherever it is that you grab this podcast at. Give it some stars. Give us some five stars. To help get this into the hands of other like minded people, to help this show grow, to support and show your love for this show.
1:14:36 Tansy Rodgers: That is how this show grows, is how we get more incredible guests onto the show, is how we keep it going. And as we move forward, I just, I just want to express my pure gratitude for you and who you are and where you’re at on your journey right now. You are incredible and amazing and right exactly where you need to be. And thank you for showing up. And until next time, keep spreading that beautiful energy you were born to share.