The Energy Fix Episode 103 - FINAL.mp3
0:00:13 Tansy Rodgers: Welcome back to the Energy Fix, a podcast dedicated to help you balance your energetic body by diving deep into the sweet world of all things health and spirituality. My name’s Tansy and I’m an intuitive crystal Reiki energy healer, energetic nutrition and holistic health practitioner, and a crystal jewelry designer. It’s time to talk all things energy. Let’s dive in. Have you ever noticed how your body craves different foods depending on the season?
0:00:45 Tansy Rodgers: Or how certain times of the year bring shifts in your energy, your digestion, maybe even your mood? There’s a reason for that. Our bodies are wired to move with nature’s rhythms. Yet modern life really pulls us so far away from these natural cycles that we don’t often even notice the disconnect. And then we’re left feeling out of alignment, unhealthy, wondering why our bodies are responding in the way that they’re responding.
0:01:18 Tansy Rodgers: What if restoring balance was as simple as aligning with some ancient wisdom and these concepts that have been known to keep the body healthy and thriving? What if the answers to better digestion, clearer energy, deeper vitality have been available to us all along, just hidden in the traditions of concepts from Eastern medicine, seasonal eating, and even the power of natural remedies? Today I’m joined by Angela Zhang, Ph.D. and founder of Carviva Beverages, a multi award winning line of functional drinks that are rooted heavily in traditional Chinese medicine.
0:02:04 Tansy Rodgers: Angela is a powerhouse in the world of holistic wellness where she blends biochemistry, nutrition and ancient remedies to really help people reclaim their health in a way that feels both intuitive and and effective. Throughout this conversation, we’re going to really dive into different concepts of how TCM or traditional Chinese medicine principles can help you balance your energy and health naturally and how the connection between food chi, which is your energy flow and your overall well being really connect.
0:02:42 Tansy Rodgers: We’re going to talk about superfoods and adaptogens and why early spring is really the perfect time for detoxing your body, body and your environment. Which leads me into thinking about the products from Super Stratum. I feel like this is such a perfect opportunity to put this in here. You know, a couple episodes ago, back in the end of 2024, I had a guest on the show Seth Jones where he talked all about Super Stratum. And Super Stratum is a formulation of products that he created that are really great for mold and mycotox.
0:03:22 Tansy Rodgers: So if we’re talking about detoxing for better energy and we’re talking about really getting to the root of the problem, then Mold and mycotoxins are a huge conversation. And I think a lot of people think of mold as just something that you find in old basements, but in reality, it’s pretty much everywhere. And your home most likely has. Most likely has a level of mold. So I bring this up because super strong. Like, if you are looking to do some detoxing and you’re looking to get. Get your body into preparation for the spring like we’re going to be talking about in this episode, then maybe considering some Super Stratum products to really attack the mold.
0:04:04 Tansy Rodgers: But also the mycotoxins, the stuff that we can’t see, we can’t smell, we can’t sense that it’s around, but it’s floating in our air and we’re breathing it in every day. What I love about Super Stratum is that it is designed to really eliminate and prevent mold and mycotoxins so that you can breathe easier and live healthier. And this product is pretty much the only one on the market that actually attacks mycotoxins.
0:04:35 Tansy Rodgers: That’s huge. So if you’re focusing on detoxing your body like we’re going to be talking about for this season, then also maybe consider detoxing your space because it’s just that important. If this is something you’re interested in, then head on down to the show Notes. I’ll have a link down there that you can click so that you can head right on over and check out. So Super Stratum and their mold and mycotoxin products, definitely a huge issue, especially during this time of the year when there’s a lot of precipitation, a lot of snow potential.
0:05:06 Tansy Rodgers: Like there’s a lot of that that.
0:05:08 Tansy Rodgers: Is potentially causing that dampness in and around your house and causing more potential for mold and mycotoxins to take form. So just wanted to bring that up before we really dive into this episode and also before we dive into this episode. Let me give you just a few updates and announce if you’re loving crystal jewelry. If you love crystal jewelry that’s designed for both beauty and energy and health balance, then you need to come and see my pieces in person.
0:05:40 Tansy Rodgers: I have you can check it out on my website. I have some products up there so you can always shop online. But the exciting piece and the update that I want to give you is that I’m going to be the featured artist at Reiki by Rickey’s in Harrisburg, Pennsylvan, throughout the entire months of March and April.
0:06:03 Tansy Rodgers: Yay.
0:06:03 Tansy Rodgers: I’m so excited to be that featured artist and to have that space to showcase all of my creative endeavors. I’d love for you to stop by. If you are in the area or if you live locally, I’d love for you to stop by, check it out and connect, find something that speaks to you. Check out the rest of Reiki space. Oh, the place is beautiful. It’s inspiring, it’s peaceful and there are amazing practitioners there that you can connect with.
0:06:35 Tansy Rodgers: If you want to connect with me in person, I am going to be at the March 22nd and 23rd Expo in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania is called Divine Collaboration Expo. If you’re looking for an experience to come out to meet other healers, to get some mindset shifts, to get inspired, inspired to be around all things metaphysical, then you definitely want to check out this expo. So Divine collaboration in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, I will be there March 22nd and 23rd.
0:07:11 Tansy Rodgers: It’s going to be such a powerful weekend, full of connection, high vibe, energy, holistic healing. And I will be there showcasing all of my jewelry and my handmade items and also just my energy. So come out and say hi. I would love to connect with you. I love when people hear about the expos on this podcast and then they come out and say hi. That is probably my favorite part. I love meeting you. And then finally, before we dive into this whole episode, Angela did not express this in her conversation, but we talked about this offline.
0:07:50 Tansy Rodgers: She has a special treatment for the listeners. She’s generously shared a discount for you. It’s code Carviva Wellness 10. That’s spelled K A R V I V A W E L L N E S S 10 and that will be down in the show notes. So if you hop on down there, there’ll be a link and a reminder of what that code is. But if you use that code at checkout on you can get 10% off your first order and get to experience some of the power of these functional plant based wellness drinks.
0:08:34 Tansy Rodgers: All right, that’s enough of updates, that’s enough of me talking. Let’s really get into this conversation. Without further ado, here is Angela Zhang. Let’s dive in.
0:08:50 Tansy Rodgers: Welcome to the Energy Fix. Angela, I’m so happy to have you here today.
0:08:55 Angela Zeng: I’m so honored to be your guest.
0:08:59 Tansy Rodgers: You know, right before we hit record, we were talking about the seasons and we were talking about how traditional Chinese medicine, which is a lot of what we’re going to talk about today, really goes in these seasons. So my first question as we dive into this conversation is all about the season of where you’re at right now, Angela. And I’m so curious, is there a word or a phrase that you’re really embodying right now and connecting with in this season of your life?
0:09:33 Angela Zeng: That’s an awesome question. So I would say we are still in winter. However, based on the lunar calendar, we already passed the first day of spring. Believe or not. It’s crazy. So the lunar calendar is this, you know, different from the calendar we’re using now these days is based on basically how the moon faces goals throughout the year and also based on seasonality. In the old days, our ancestors, how they cultivate, how they plan and harvest agriculture, crops and as you can, you know, imagine, so they really, they’ve been really mindful to the seasonal, seasonal change, how that impact themselves, how the impact the farming activities, all those things.
0:10:29 Angela Zeng: So I would say right now I’m more in a state set aside my work because my work is just every day there something chaotic could happen. Myself just try to, I would say going in, it’s like reserve some time for myself and then recognize the inner kind of that child calling. It sounds very kind of hard to understand, but because I feel like, for example, in spring and summer we feel so excited. We want to go out, we want to do something, we want to enjoy the nature, we want to clean out our room, our house.
0:11:13 Angela Zeng: Maybe you want to start gardening activities. Whereas in winter lots of people start to have this blue feeling kind of. They call it the winter depress or whatever this thing. But I think winter is a perfect time for us to do self care. Just think about, forget about all those demanding activities, especially from the holiday season. You’re a pleaser. We’re all pleaser. We want to please our friends, our families.
0:11:41 Angela Zeng: Oh gosh, our, our kids. Right. Our loved ones. Well, I think right after the holiday you won’t have a little break. You just want to recognize what you really want. I mean in terms of, you know, this year, what I really want for my own developments, for my body and for my mental or intellectual, any areas I can do to please myself.
0:12:12 Tansy Rodgers: So this concept of going, you, you said two things. I’m really curious how or what you’re doing right now to fuse this. You said work is very chaotic. There’s a lot of chaotic stuff going on. But you said that right now you’re trying to embody that concept of going within. I am sure there’s so many listeners here that can really resonate with that concept of this desire versus what’s really going on. So how are you personally working through this and marrying them together?
0:12:46 Angela Zeng: Well, that’s another awesome question. I would say the thing even sometimes I told my kids, you know, nowadays my daughter is a senior, so getting ready to go to college. My son is a freshman in high school, tons of activities going on, so sometimes he feel overwhelmed. My daughter went through that already, but still the same same. They can feel the same. So I would say just carve out five minutes during your busy day.
0:13:14 Angela Zeng: Stay in a corner away from your friends is not because, you know, you just want alone time. And then ideally, if you can lay down on the ground, you know, that would be ideal. If you cannot just kind of sit comfortably on your couch or on a chair, close your eyes. Definitely put your smartphone away and close your eyes. Because believe or not, our eyes use a lot of our energy. I think the real research data is the cells underneath our eyeballs.
0:13:49 Angela Zeng: They actually consume in terms of the oxygen, the energy, the ATP. They are the most energy consuming type of cells through our body. And our eyes also linked with our liver. So this is the traditional Chinese medicine, the liver meridian. The eyeballs O goes, they all goes together. So when you close your eyes, you can do deep breathing, you can listen to some soothing music or not. Five minutes. Ideally, if you have a candle, that’s even better, have some nice natural scent, you will feel recharged and try it every time it works.
0:14:29 Angela Zeng: If you need more than five minutes, that’s great. But most people probably cannot. But just because I think if you think, oh, I can’t do 30 minutes meditation, most people can. Can during the day, you know, very few people. But five minutes, just carve out five minutes for yourself. I think most people can do it. You can even hide in your car.
0:14:52 Tansy Rodgers: I love this. First off, when I used to work full time for a company, that’s exactly what I did. I hid in my car on my lunch breaks and took meditational times. So that’s a great tip and it works really, really well. But thing that I find so fascinating in my Reiki practice, it’s really interesting to me because I can always tell when somebody’s work is on a computer for the majority of their day because the energy that is just so heavy in their eye sockets is, is very palpable energetically for me.
0:15:30 Tansy Rodgers: So I find that interesting that you emphasize how, how energetically expressive the eyeballs actually are.
0:15:39 Angela Zeng: Yes, most people don’t realize that. I mean, we just use it casually like how we use our hands, our legs, but each organ are different and they deserve a little bit care from time to time. So I would say, you know, if you can massage your eye around your eye, there are lots of acupuncture points around your eye. I mean, that definitely can help, but just relax yourself. Relax. Because we’re like, when we’re constantly staring at screen, all the muscles right around our eyes become very intense.
0:16:16 Angela Zeng: Just let that tension go. That’s going to be enough. Relax your mind.
0:16:21 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah, yeah. Well, you’ve already mentioned multiple times about traditional Chinese medicine, so let’s just. Let’s dive right in. Angela, you know, your transition from a scientific background into the world of ancient wellness is just so fascinating to me. I love when I see people’s journey taking it from one end of the spectrum into the next and then fusing them together. So what sparked this shift to traditional Chinese medicine, or tcm? You will be referencing it as TCM a lot today.
0:16:53 Tansy Rodgers: And then holistic practices in your life.
0:16:56 Angela Zeng: Oh, yeah. So I grow up in a family, so I have deep family roots in traditional Chinese medicine. So since I was little, I was just fascinated about this ancient healing arts. It’s almost. I’m telling a little story that’s. That’s just. I mean, gosh, it’s just amazing. When I was about five years old, I. My mom took me to visit Forbidden City. And just back then it was pretty much no tours, such things.
0:17:34 Angela Zeng: So it was very quiet. We were walking around a little garden, like a royal garden. And it’s just beautiful, very quiet. Kind of that Zen like feeling. I was very young and my mom took a bathroom break. I was just alone. And suddenly I heard this beautiful music coming from far distance. I couldn’t tell where is that from. It could be from they were playing it far away in the temple somewhere in the Forbidden City or.
0:18:04 Angela Zeng: I don’t know. But I was just wandering around trying to follow that music. And after a while, my mom was like panicking, trying to look for me. And he’s like, where were you? Couldn’t find you for half an hour. For me, that was only maybe less than a minute feeling. And I don’t know, I just feel like at that doing that doesn’t matter. Half an hour or my own feeling was less than a minute. I was so deeply connected with something far away from the ancient world.
0:18:36 Angela Zeng: I don’t know how to describe that, but I feel like, yes, our physical body is all living this modern, whatever we call it, the modern world. But you probably also heard of this series, all those different time space, they can exist in parallel. It’s just our physical body right now trapped in this space. Who knows? I don’t know, but I’m just saying. So when I started to that actually made me more kind of wanted to study this ancient healing arts. You know how our ancestors we all from deadly disease.
0:19:17 Angela Zeng: Just think about human being not only survived and thrived for millions of years. We got better, we got more intelligent. Of course we also along the way did many damage to our environment and other species as well. However, there must be some wisdom we inherit passing through generation to the next generation. Make us know how to wait off all the virus, the pathogens and then the lifespan. Until the recent years.
0:19:52 Angela Zeng: We continue to increase the human species lifespan. When I dig deeper into the healing arts and compare to what I learned in school. Biochemistry, pathology, cell biology in heart and cancer, all those molecular biology, I didn’t see any conflicts. Even until today. I still hear lots of criticism or really harsh words. Traditional Chinese medicine or the traditional healing arts not limited to the ancient China region is saying all those things. You know, like in ancient Indian across the world. All those things are wudo signs. There’s no clinical study to show them. It could be just, you know. And people would give few ridiculous examples to trash this kind of healing arts.
0:20:45 Angela Zeng: However, there are many things I I do see. You can find evidence or support in the modern. The so called the medical research or the nutritional research we have now these days. I give you perfect example. We were talking about this yin and yang, this yin and yang. If you just see this symbol, you’ll feel like this is. You know those Yugis or Tai Chi lovers kind of. Who knows. Those hippies put a tattoo on themselves. And this is not real science.
0:21:16 Angela Zeng: However, if you, if you understand, if you study quantum physics, you understand. Yeah, it’s perfect. You see this para. You know two opposite force. How they run the universe and you know how they try to find harmony is never about their fighting is each other. Is this opposite force actually made the whole thing exist. And then you see this not just in biology, economy, but even in political whatever science that when one side got to dominate people start.
0:21:52 Angela Zeng: They will be forced pulling that extreme thing to the center. It’s always that law always works. Many things like the seasonal change we were talking about related with our organ meridian. The five elements we match to the season, to the natures, even to our foods. Five flavors, how they work. Actually there you can. I can always find some science, scientific explanation for me to understand. Yeah, the ancient those wisdom are there for a great reason.
0:22:34 Angela Zeng: They may not, of course they didn’t have the microscope or the PCR analysis, genetic analysis to show why they work. But they understood really well how they work and then how to utilize them to benefit their own health. So that’s, that’s why I’m doing what I’m doing. Because I almost want to serve as a conduit of ancient wisdom or mother nature to people, the customers we’re serving, I’m always hoping through this bottle of Caribbean drinks, it’s just a drink. However, I want them to think a little bit deeper about their connection with their family, their community, especially with nature.
0:23:30 Angela Zeng: I think that’s the true root of good health. Instead of being obsessed with going to the gym, buying the most expensive supplements, those are not your solution to happiness or health.
0:23:48 Tansy Rodgers: I love that you want to be a conduit of mother Nature. Like that just. That just makes my heart expand, you know. Angela, there’s something I want to also say to your example. You were talking about the Yin Yang symbol and you know, you talked about how sometimes these concepts of things like TCM or even Ayurveda or these older ancient practices are pooh poohed away and saying, oh, there’s not enough facts and evidence, but you know, sometimes you can’t measure everything.
0:24:25 Tansy Rodgers: You talked about the Yin Yang symbol and as you were talking I was thinking to myself the power energetically even in symbolism. And when people put these symbols on their body as a tattoo, for example, sometimes the power of that symbol is so incredibly healing because of what it reminds that person, what it elix and or elicits in that person’s energy field. Right. And I mean truly, how can you do a scientific study around that?
0:24:54 Angela Zeng: Like sometimes oh my gosh, you mentioned about that I the other day. That was. Oh gosh, that was at least two months ago. I was listening to. I, I still do. I’m a continuous learner, lifetime learner. So I was following this well known physician. He’s a hard doctor in Taiwan, but he also practiced traditional medicine. So there are lots of actually very good doctors. I mean Maryland Western system trained doctors in the Asian region.
0:25:26 Angela Zeng: They also believer of the traditional Chinese medicine. And what he was saying almost I was like, I wanted to try but I didn’t have a chance. But he said they even did a clinical study. There are certain numbers. This is all from Ijing I Ching is a book written to almost 2, 500 years ago. And they were saying this book was almost from aliens where People were saying, because the thing is, if you could understand that the language, what they were talking about in that book, you can forecast future. And it’s. It’s crazy. You can, you can be a fortune teller. You can tell this person’s fortune almost like exactly right.
0:26:07 Angela Zeng: And there was only very few, less than five or whatever people when I was in China, they were saying could understand that book. And they kind of. I think the government tried to utilize whatever knowledge for some. I didn’t want to go in there, but it was weird. But he was saying they were using the. So they were saying the numbers also have energy. Mathematical numbers has. There was. Which makes lots of sense. Human being or whatever is all energy, right? Our cells has energy. That’s why people, I always believe with similar frequency resonate with each other really well. It’s almost like those high level ugs there, few hundred of them in the world, they can communicate with each other. You might one in South Africa, the other one in India.
0:26:52 Angela Zeng: They can sense what they’re doing across this huge space. It’s crazy. There are lots. I’m not making this up. Right. But it’s all these energy things. So energy wave. So he was saying different number. When you combine them in different way, it gives you different energy thing. And they try to use that to heal pain, of course, with some herbal patch. But you put that number, they write those number on the patch compared to the patch without a number.
0:27:23 Angela Zeng: They see they have seen a difference. I was like, oh my gosh. I couldn’t even believe this. And he said, what number combination is great for your eyes and what is good for you? Or like hard meridian. I got to go back to the episode and write it down. Try myself.
0:27:40 Tansy Rodgers: Oh yeah.
0:27:41 Angela Zeng: It’s like different number combination can give you a different energy. And you can, if you’re really smart, you can utilize that to your own benefits. All those things. I was like, oh my gosh.
0:27:50 Tansy Rodgers: So yeah, yeah. I love that so much. And I believe in that too. I believe in the power, the numbers, the power of shapes. I actually use that in my own work. But it really makes a big difference in. In the energy that I. That is creative around you, I think. Yeah. Well, let’s talk about some of that energy flow, some of the waves, the chi. I mean, it’s a fun. It’s a fundamental concept. So for those of us that are exploring these ideas and we’re just new to this, or maybe this is the first exposure.
0:28:28 Tansy Rodgers: Can you explain why balancing Qi in whatever form, maybe it’s numbers Shapes, whatever. Like however you’re balancing your chi, can you tell us why that’s so crucial for our health?
0:28:40 Angela Zeng: Yeah, so. So the ancient wisdom believe Chi is the vital force of life. So we received the chi at, you know, when we were inside. Whoops. The when inside our mom’s belly. Right when we a little, little baby developing, our mama gave us that chi. That’s why the pregnant women we believe needs to eat carefully. Of course you should not smoke and drink using drugs. Those harmful chemicals, we don’t want them to upset. So husband never, never upset your wife.
0:29:16 Angela Zeng: Because all those resentment, the negative cheat energy. Well also you will pass that to that unborn baby. And that baby will carry that. Believe it or not, at the moment they’ll burst. So, okay, so we got this chi from our mom. And then when we come out, start become a new life, independent from the world. How do we continue to receive Qi? We receive Qi from our surrounding. That includes the food.
0:29:49 Angela Zeng: Okay. Food is a very important part. Food, air, water and the surrounding. And people around us, whether they hate us, they say mean things to us, or they love us, they give us lots of positive energy. All those things impact our Qi. So I’m pretty sure you all know now these days, eating too much processed food is not good for our health. Why? Because it’s damaging to our Qi. Why? Because all those heavily processed food has lots of chemicals.
0:30:22 Angela Zeng: The chemicals that our human cell never ever recognized until pretty recent, less than 100 years ago, we invented those chemicals. We started using them for food making, to make man made food. So our cells treat them as foreign objects, like pathogens, as toxins. So guess what? We actually use a big part of the energy of our immune system to kind of attack those, try to protect our own good, you know, natural cells being damaged by those foreign objects. Right. So those kind of experiments, you cannot do most of the chemicals being released to the market, of course they cannot do food safety study for 100 years, right? I mean most of them, they, they invented, they did some tests on animal lab animals like mice or rabbits or whatever.
0:31:21 Angela Zeng: Then they just released to the market. And then slowly we start to recognize it’s doing lots of harms. So when our immune system is busy dealing with all those toxins, unknown chemicals, you know, they didn’t recognize it has very little energy to really protect ourselves. I hope that makes sense. Because our not just our immune system prevent us from getting a cold, getting Covid. It is essential preventing us getting cancer because we have, because by nature our few hundred, few thousand cells Will go bad each day just naturally happen. This is a natural process.
0:32:04 Angela Zeng: But why people don’t develop cancer at young age? Because your immunosystem is pretty strong. They catch those mutants, they destroy them right away. But now if your immunosystem is busy attacking those foreign chemicals from the food and air and who knows, water, it has little energy. It’s almost like a country’s army is pretty weak already. And then there’s something internal turbulence going on just like all crash.
0:32:34 Angela Zeng: That’s why you see younger people start to get cancer. Much young at young. I mean people get cancer at much younger age. There are lots of chronic disease unexplained. You know, you don’t know why you’re getting that or this unexplained chronic fatigue. We constantly feel tired. Of course you feel tired. Because most of our energy being used to defend ourselves from those foreign objects. I mean the chemicals always have energy to do the things that we love to do.
0:33:03 Angela Zeng: So this Qi is so important. It confronts the food. That’s why eating natural food is important. But also the traditional wisdom believe we need to preserve our digestive Qi. So that’s the spleen meridian. Because if you can, if we cannot digest the food, people always focus. Now another tendency is people focus so much on the food, the physical food itself. You forgot about how you. Your digestive system would interact with the food.
0:33:32 Angela Zeng: Okay, you did. Now let’s say you do. You did the first thing. You threw away all the heavily processed food. You stop eating fast food, junk food. You start to buy organic food. Hooray. Awesome. However, your digestive system is already being damaged, very weak. So it’s going to take a while for you to repair the digestive system. So your digestive system can function again to interact with the healthy food you purchase.
0:34:01 Angela Zeng: And then they can generate some good reactions feeding the good bacterias in your system and start a new cycle to generate a good Qi that you really need. Once you have that good Qi, immune system will become stronger. You’re gonna have endless energy. You don’t have to worry about getting sick all the time when you travel. Right. We’re just so off balance. And also because of the stress is worrying is worry is a huge.
0:34:33 Angela Zeng: I mean it tap into our chi so much when our under stress. Of course is this fleet and fight. Yeah, it’s very energy consuming. Just. Just watch the tiger, right? I mean that moment when the tiger tried to catch the. The whatever the, the feed or somewhat try to escape from a dangerous situation. You consume tons of Energy. So if we are chronic under this kind. Oh gosh, it’s very chi consuming too. So chronic stress and then all the.
0:35:08 Angela Zeng: I would say if you associate yourself with, that’s why be away from negative people because they pass the negative energy on you. And there’s a real thing is if you’re a massage therapist or people use, you know, the, the really strong qigong master can heal people, use this qi, right? His own chi or her own qi to heal another person. But they are real case study. But sometimes if the other person have too much negative chi, this negative cheese can come back to you and sometimes can severely injure the other person.
0:35:47 Angela Zeng: It sounds all like, not science based, but we see, we have seen that real case study in real life.
0:35:55 Tansy Rodgers: Okay, let’s take a moment and just talk about something that we feel but don’t always acknowledge, and that’s energy shifts. Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel off, like your body and your mind are so out of sync? I feel like this time of the year, I feel that so often. That’s because energy is constantly shifting in us, around us, in each, even in the spaces that we live in. And with all of the chaos in the world right now, man, we are really feeling that. And our energy is constantly picking up on the things that are going on around us.
0:36:33 Tansy Rodgers: One of my favorite ways to work with energy is through energy healing. And with crystals. I don’t just make crystal jewelry. That’s not what I do. I create pieces that are intentionally designed to support your energy, your healing and your journey, giving you a bridge that can help to bridge the gap on your health journey. Whether it’s grounding, protection, confidence, or even clarity, every piece I make is infused with energy work to help help you align with what you need the most.
0:37:13 Tansy Rodgers: So if you’re curious, I want you to head on over to the link in the show notes or stop by Reiki by Ricky in March and April to see my pieces in person. And if you don’t live locally in that area or you’re not able to make it, you can also come and see me in person at any of the shows that I’m doing throughout this year. Because here’s the thing, Jewelry, it should do more than just look good. It should feel good too.
0:37:43 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah, well, and honestly though, I think you say it’s not science based, but the reality is that this stuff, I think shows up in different terms or other words that maybe aren’t chi or energy healing. Right? So there was two big things that I want to bring up that were big ahas for me. As you were talking, number one, when you talked about how chi is passed from mom to the child, I had a huge realization that this is actually, and please correct me if I’m wrong, but this might actually be a huge part of the whole epigenetics and how, how the child can shift generations down the road can shift based off of the chi and the energy that maybe one generation is passing along to the next next.
0:38:38 Angela Zeng: Oh yeah, yeah. What I worry about now these days is we focus so much on social media and I think yesterday I saw this real data how we spend our time. They did a study, they showed us. I don’t know where they pull the statistic data, but they show the data back in the 60s compared to now. These days, in old days, that’s less than 100 years ago. We spend majority of time with our family. Then that’s switch to versus with family, with friends. The friends take over and.
0:39:14 Angela Zeng: But you know, the screen time always very limit. And now we spend like almost 80% of time on screen. And then the, the other things like with community, family, friends, all those things becomes really, really little. That just makes me really, really worrisome in terms of what kind of. Of chi we’re going to pass on to the next generation. Right? Because it is true if you look at, I mean this is real study, right? They always study domestic abused women, the children, the baby they born. And if you follow those kids, if they continue staying in environment, very toxic relationships, usually those children has tons of issue.
0:39:59 Angela Zeng: This is how they call the poverty. The issue gets passed through generations is not because the poverty, whatever, you can never jump out of this because this kind of abusive relationship, this kind of emotion, this unhappiness, this resignment, this feeling not fair is always there. And unless what I see is if you see for example lots of Asian. I’m not comparing race to race. But if you see some immigrants, they come to this country, they may be super poor, nothing with nothing even how I think the first generation from a European country come over here.
0:40:41 Angela Zeng: But they are very positive. They were really positive. They may work really hard with very little time to rest, with not good food to eat. So those are all in our opinion very bad for your health. Right? However, they raise amazing kids, kids, the kids become more successful. And if you follow this type of family generation by generation and get better versus the family who kind of might come with lots of money or whatsoever, but.
0:41:11 Angela Zeng: But kind of always with maybe too much selfish, self centered or whatever you see their family wealth will start, actually went away. I mean same thing with business. It’s the same. But people don’t realize that is, is this, this positive energy, this positive attitude is not just something on paper. You know, in corporate culture, do you say, oh, you know, you have this positive, I mean it’s more than that, it’s, I mean the thing is a lot of business owner or leaders, they don’t treat their staff the way, for example, like I want to be traded or whatsoever.
0:41:48 Angela Zeng: I mean the chi is in the air, right? The energy, if the negative energy is in the air, doesn’t matter how beautiful. You’re talking about, oh, we need to be kind, we need to be whatever. But you are already generating all this, whatever the frequency. That’s, that’s not ideal. I hope I explained that well. So, so I’m just saying if on social media there’s so many negative things going on, I don’t know how that impact next generation.
0:42:19 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah, well, you know that, I think that you described that very well and you talked about all of the energy like what we’re consuming, what we’re, what we’re taking in from a light, from an energetic life lifestyle perspective. Right. And all that energy that’s floating around in the air. Which leads me to my second aha. You talked about the digestive chi. And I realized that in my work I work a lot.
0:42:46 Tansy Rodgers: One of the things that I do is nutritional therapy and I have a lot of digestive issued people coming in. And so what I always find so fascinating is when those individuals come in and they’re eating really clean and they’re eating really healthy foods and then when we die, and this is why I love the nutritional therapy side because when.
0:43:09 Tansy Rodgers: We really dive in and we look.
0:43:11 Tansy Rodgers: At the energy and we look at the lifestyle choices and the chi that is surrounding them, it’s so evident that it’s way more than food. It’s the fear, the anxiety, the stress, the energy from the kinds of foods that they’re eating, the kind of bacteria that’s in the gut. It explains why there’s so many healthy people even when even that don’t eat 100% healthy food.
0:43:40 Tansy Rodgers: Food.
0:43:41 Angela Zeng: Oh yeah, my parents are perfect example. My, my parents, my dad already turned 90 years old. They never buy organic, they’re not deliverable of organic. They grow up, you know, well, they’re you know, in their 90s now. So you know, old days there was no organic certified. I said, oh, it’s all the marketing gimmick stuff. In sort of way it is. And they just. But they’re happy you, they’re happy and they kind of still do community service crazy enough. And then they, they kind of walk around whenever they can.
0:44:17 Angela Zeng: They kind of. And then they just follow the simple rule, you know, like finish your dinner. They like to finish their dinner before 5 and then take a walk and relax. They don’t necessarily go to bed that early. They go to bed around 10 ish and get up not like super early like many elder people. But I would think it’s just a common, common sense. You just think yourself with whatever the nature rhythm surrounding you have and then be really happy. Be really happy. There is trick things like you know, the negative. You may see some things going on that you don’t like to see. However they always feel like that could be temporary or that’s just a test from God. You know, things.
0:44:58 Angela Zeng: Once you pass that test, things will go better. Let it just, just become your mental block. You know, things like that. The other thing is don’t be so. I think there’s a special term people, the health nuts who even travel with their own packaged food. When you are so into. I have to calculate everything. I have to be 100 sure. This is organic, clean and I’m calling you the calorie down to the single digit.
0:45:28 Angela Zeng: I have to do one hour workout every day. It doesn’t matter how tired I am or I’m traveling here or there. I have jack leg. When you do this you have so much stress. Come on lady, don’t do that. Chill out. If one day you cannot go to go to the gym, it’s okay. Maybe just walk around in your house, turn around, it will be okay. You don’t have to do that, you know, intensive workout every day. I have to follow that rule. I think the thing is we made so much to rules, we to ourselves and we kind of using them as stripes to kind of fix us into this little rigid thing. And we start to blame. How come I’m stressed out? Well think about how many rules you made for yourself to make yourself stress out or you feel like on social media, right? How come that lady has such beautiful skin? Or how come they can do this fancy vacation? I cannot. How come they can make them much money? I cannot. Don’t compare.
0:46:31 Angela Zeng: Please don’t compare. You have something that they don’t have and you don’t even know whether they show off on that beautiful video or picture are real or not. There’s so many filters. You can use AI tools. Oh my Gosh, I always tell my kids, and then fear of missing out. So what if you miss out that party? So what? Who can judge you whether you are the most popular person or not in the world? There are billions of people around the world.
0:47:04 Angela Zeng: Nobody is popular. In my opinion, you can’t please everyone.
0:47:11 Tansy Rodgers: Well, and I think that, I think this is a big problem. It’s a big problem in all of the rigid health rules and the biohacking. And I think that, I think that that’s part of why the health industry can get a really bad rap. Because of all of this rigidness and the rules.
0:47:29 Angela Zeng: You want to say, oh, seeds oil are healthy. The other day, oh, seeds oil toxic. I mean, come on. It all depends on what you’re talking about. If the seeds oil are naturally processed, this is what we have for millions of years. They’re great for you. We all know that better than the animal saturated fat, that the heavily processed disease oil, they add lots of stabilizers, things to prevent, you know, to extend shelf life. Of course they are bad.
0:47:58 Angela Zeng: They are bad not because of disease. They’re bad because of those chemicals. And the, the thing that even the fish oil, when I was in pharmaceutical industry, the majority of the fish oil sold in your CVS or whatever the store, low quality, overburned. I don’t even know where, how they harvest those fish oil could be contaminated by heavy mantles. And the thing is doing the processing, they cannot just get the fish oil directly from the fish.
0:48:27 Angela Zeng: They have to go through the whole processing process so they can overburn those oil and becomes toxic. They are very few. Back in the old days, we only had one supplier we trust. That was how pathetic it is.
0:48:44 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah.
0:48:45 Angela Zeng: So I’ll say, don’t, don’t be. Just follow your common sense. And the other thing is, when you eat something, if your body is not feeling well, that’s a sign. I mean, many times when I go to some restaurant, I eat something I know because you would feel like extremely tiresome afterward. That’s basically your body is reacting to whatever you. We don’t know could be msg, could be whatever. In one of the ingredients they use, there’s some preservatives we don’t know, some chemicals your body just say, no, I don’t like it.
0:49:20 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah. And, and so listening to your body, I mean, listening to your body with what foods it doesn’t like, listening to your body with what kind of exercise and activity rigidness it doesn’t or does like. Right. I think it’s, I think it’s so important because just like, just like our bodies respond, our bodies also respond to that stuff. Our bodies also respond to the seasonal changes and to the energy that’s going on around us.
0:49:46 Tansy Rodgers: So can we talk about that from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective? Can we talk about that and how the body starts to respond from a seasonal change in perspective?
0:49:58 Angela Zeng: Yeah, seasonal change. So the each points I would say during. During the whole year we have actually 12 different points the season. Well, we don’t have 12 seasons but you know, basically wasting each season. There’s also saddle change. They also change. You know, like perfect example summer we have the early summer, then we have the late summer. And the weather pattern can be very different. So it impact how our body react. So again, just remember we don’t live in a bubble. We live in, in our earth, in the universe.
0:50:32 Angela Zeng: So our body are deeply connected with mother nature. So for example, from winter to spring, many people would feel like lack of energy. Instead of feeling excitement well into, you know, getting ready to go out, start your gardening activities or go out for hiking or what whatsoever. Many people actually feel this. I have the anxious, you know, anxiety attack. I feel like I have the lack of energy, I couldn’t focus well.
0:51:05 Angela Zeng: Or other signs of your body just saying, you know, something is not right. Especially during the transition season. I think especially during the first day. Let’s say you had this mild cold day and suddenly becomes super warm. I think the real study is in clinical more people start to feel mentally like something is not right. And that’s because spring is the wood season. So wood is related with the wood element is related with growth.
0:51:34 Angela Zeng: So it’s like everything start to grow up again. Just look at a tree instead of winter is the kidney the water season. So kind of the energy goes down underground kind of. We try to preserve reserved energy, cultivate energy versus spring. We let the energy kind of go out. We want to start activities we love to enjoy. We kind of whatever. And also the wood elements is very creative. So they are real.
0:52:02 Angela Zeng: I think I read real case study like for example teenager kids. If this teenager kids is having lots of behavior issues in school, at home, try to see if this kid essentially has lots of creativities. You just didn’t recognize that that and give him or her opportunities to be creative. It could be simply painting some pictures. It doesn’t matter. It does. He doesn’t have to be a great painter or whatever.
0:52:31 Angela Zeng: Just let this kid has to elect yourself have has the opportunity to create and then actually works really well. It’s Almost like art therapy. Right. But it works extremely well for people who has this wood element issue issue. And then if you have wood element issue, usually the sign is doing this transition stage. You are reacting a lot more strongly compared to other people around you. Yeah.
0:53:01 Tansy Rodgers: So what could some of the reactions look like? How do they show up either mentally, emotionally, physically. Like what. What do you see often like feeling.
0:53:11 Angela Zeng: Anxious, like almost like you are having an anxiety attack. And then lack of energy. Spring supposed to. You’re supposed to be able to get up early compared to winter enjoying the outdoor more. But there are lots of people when they go out instead of feeling good, feeling happy, they start to feel anxious like something’s not right. And then the other thing is you could have extensive like bowel issues like bowel movement issues or like skin breakout.
0:53:43 Angela Zeng: It just you cannot explain. Or lots of allergy. You know, spring allergies supposed to be not that severe. But it’s getting bad. And now I have heard people have year round seasonal allergy. So it’s not seasonal anyway anymore. It’s year round allergy. And that just because our body are so. Our immunosystem is so messed up, fully weakened. And the wood elements is the liver meridian is in charge of wood elements.
0:54:12 Angela Zeng: So this is, this is the season even I would say in now these days, in the late, late winter we should start prepare ourselves, get ready for the spring season. So there are lots of food good for the wood elements. And then detox. Detox. I think again that that also based on like you mentioned this person’s body type type because we do have for example my brand we do have juice cleanser. But I don’t like those you see on the markets.
0:54:46 Angela Zeng: Those juice cleansers approach is too cold. They combine bunch of very cold nature fruits and veggies together which is very damaging to our young energy. Especially for ladies. We are more yin dominant. So when you drink that kind of stuff, it actually hurt weaken your energy more. Not only makes you go to the bathroom, not diarrhea, those kind of issue. But it just totally deplete you. That’s why people complain about I have this digestive E show. I feel like I lack of energy. I can’t go to the, you know, do my regular workout anymore. I just don’t feel like after and you need to have a balanced meal detox doesn’t mean you should be drinking those celery juice or spinach saying you know the green juice every day for six times a day. Like don’t eat anything else. You need to eat whole food base light, very light. Me.
0:55:41 Angela Zeng: And then combined with some naturally detoxing food, which I like. For example, the dark berries, aruna berry, very detoxing. And then I like the sprouts, the extremely nutrient, naturally sugar free, packed with protein, minerals, vitamins. And I, I think it’s much better than lots of matured green vegetables. You know, you might believe if you look at the nutrition, of course you’ll, you will see why they’re better.
0:56:09 Angela Zeng: So just be wise. And also, you know, if your body type is very hot in nature, then of course you can go with those cold nature food like kiwi grapefruits, avocado. Those are very cold in nature versus like tangerine warming nature. It’s very interesting. They’re both citrus, but they will, they have different. We call it kind of thermal elements which kind of can interact with our body. Yeah.
0:56:40 Tansy Rodgers: Oh, that’s interesting. That’s so interesting. You know, when we were off camera, we were talking and I was saying how I always was perplexed because when I would go from winter into spring and I would start to transition that time my body would just completely freak out. My face, my skin looked terrible, my face would start to start to break out, my digestion was off, like everything was happening.
0:57:11 Tansy Rodgers: Until I started to understand from a friend and be explained that I was naturally reacting to this, this shift in the energy and the shift in the seasons and that my body, these were great indicators that my body needed some detoxing and some immune support. And I really needed to, I really needed to start thinking about that. And when I found that out again, it made a lot of sense because my liver is something that I’ve always had to pay attention to and nurture because it can easily get thrown off.
0:57:48 Tansy Rodgers: So I wasn’t that surprised that women’s reacting.
0:57:50 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah.
0:57:51 Angela Zeng: That’s why we have so many PMS issue. Liver meridian is so important for us. And then our kidney meridian can get stressed out a lot. I don’t know, I think for women we just have. Many women have more things to worry, not just beside work, of course. We have kids, we have families. We also value friendships more in certain way. Right. I mean, so that, that all kind of just adds a lot, lot of this unconscious stress.
0:58:22 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah.
0:58:22 Angela Zeng: So which are both worry kind of negative, but for both kidney meridian and liver meridian.
0:58:32 Tansy Rodgers: So Angie, I’m curious with you being a woman and you shifting and transitioning through seasons, let’s talk about how you personally adapt your diet and lifestyle. What do you do in order to prepare moving from winter into spring.
0:58:49 Angela Zeng: Yeah so I do because I’m also in a menopause stage. So that makes it even more complex. So I I I do drink lots of my own detox juices because I like I you know bean sprouts with arona berry that’s perfect combination and it’s pretty. I always stay with thermo neutral instead of too cold or too hot lot and then But I do adding some herbs now these days for myself because it’s this liver thing and also I need more yin elements because one thing about menopause is while our estrogen level declining and dimish we lose that in elements.
0:59:31 Angela Zeng: That’s why I start to feel very dry. Dry everywhere. Dry eyes, dry skin, dry everywhere. And also we don’t have have enough this good balance of Yin and yang. You cannot sleep well and then all those hot flash all those symptoms. Right. So the way to eliminate them is actually you can use lots of. There are different herbs we can use. So I’m using like different combinations real real herbal stuff and then, and then I haven’t tried but there’s a really good recipes remedies you can use. If you’re really thinking about fasting.
1:00:06 Angela Zeng: I don’t recommend if, if, if a lady is a female person is already worry you for example you have cold hand cold feet. Lots of women have that issue. And your stomach digestion is not strong weak. What you can tell is if you eat a little bit hard to digest food you feel like it just stays there for a long time. You don’t feel well or your stomach can react you know have ASA reflux or gassing easily from whatever the food you are eating.
1:00:39 Angela Zeng: So they’re actually very good remedies for you to kind of. It’s almost like fasting but in certain way is not like make you feel like you’re hungry all the time. Your blood sugar level is like very low. That’s not good. One thing is we want to stabilize our blood sugar level level. So I think that’s why the recent clinical study I think they published the data intermediate fasting can lead to more cardiovascular issues.
1:01:10 Angela Zeng: I think depends on the body type. Not everyone is good for in fasting. And then for women never never ever skip your breakfast every. No one should skip breakfast. But for women breakfast even more important. They already showed how our metabolism system works different from from male. So if you if you see a male going to the gym without eating anything they can do really well. Not you sorry. So you you probably just even just A little bit like protein bites with you know, whole carb, you know, whole grain carbs.
1:01:48 Angela Zeng: Just get you started strong in the morning. That’s important. Instead of going for that coffee only, you know, you’re going to add more adrenal stress on yourself. So I would say for me is using different herbs and there are so many different remedies. I mean, gosh, I just go with the one that I can easily get.
1:02:13 Tansy Rodgers: You know, you mentioned it a few times, but you mentioned it again right here and I just want to highlight it and talk a little bit about this. Now because of your highlighting. Now you are the founder of Carviva Beverages and those drinks are specifically made and functioned or I’m sorry, they’re made and created by functional principles of traditional Chinese medicine. So you mentioned the detox drink. What is the name of the drink and what’s actually in it? That’s helpful.
1:02:46 Angela Zeng: Yeah. So the detox drink is that red color bottle with the dark grapes kiwi on it. So basically this is the first drinks I come up with. It’s just mung bean sprouts with arona berry. So mung bean is well utilized in traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate too much heat, especially great for summer season. However, we also use it to treat like fever especially you know, for little kids because their body is worried, their digestive system is very weak. So mung bean is very mild in nature. So you won’t damage your body.
1:03:22 Angela Zeng: I mean it won’t cause digestive issue. And the other thing is scientific research show it contains like two special compounds. It chelates heavy mental other chemicals in our body. So it helps our body to emulate those toxins. That’s the reason I choose it because both are the holistic users for for thousands of years. And the research actually pinpoint to it contains these unique compounds. And then that’s why in ancient days we use it to treat, to detox really to treat like toxin issue. You know, someone accidentally injects some toxins, we use that to treat it.
1:04:03 Angela Zeng: So that’s the reason I included as a main ingredient there. Then I use a royal berry which is a medicinal food by native Indians. So they use it to treat all kinds of illness. And there are plenty. At least myself read I find like hundreds of research study on different disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, hypercholesterol. It’s almost like a wonder food everyone should have. So that’s the reason I use these two as main ingredient. I use the dark concrete grips because the high antioxidants level and also for the nice flavor and kiwi to balance out a little bit, has a little bit cooling, you know, good, lots of prebiotic fiber there and then vitamin C, all those things.
1:04:52 Tansy Rodgers: Let’s get real for a second. I want to talk about just thrive, probiotics and gut health. But I want you just to consider this. If your gut is out of balance, do you ever notice, notice how everything feels off? Your digestion, your energy, your mood, your immune function. Like it just feels like one thing falls into the next. And I’ll tell you, that’s because it’s all connected. And if winter has left you feeling sluggish, bloated, or just not your best, now’s the perfect time to reset. Now is the perfect time as you are doing some of this detoxing here to get ready for the spring.
1:05:31 Tansy Rodgers: That’s where just thrive probiotics comes in. Unlike most probiotics that don’t even survive stomach acid just thrive is clinically proven to make it all the way to your gut where it actually does do the work. It’s not just about digestion, it’s about whole body wellness. More balance, more clarity, more energy. Detoxing out the gut junk that doesn’t need to be here and then allowing your gut to get stronger in the process.
1:06:03 Tansy Rodgers: Exactly what we all need as we move into spring. Head on down into the show notes, click the link and if you use code TANSY15, you get 15% off your entire order. Let’s start making a difference from the inside out. Start getting that gut stronger. You’re going to feel a noticeable improvement.
1:06:25 Tansy Rodgers: I’m always fascinated by how certain herbs or foods either play off of the, the warming concept or the cooling concept. That’s always so fascinating in your drinks. Do you also use a lot of adaptogens as well?
1:06:41 Angela Zeng: Yeah, adaptogens, there are lots of like for example, ginsen. We do use ginsen and I think, holy basil, we use it. I think adaptogen is an interesting term because in the traditional Chinese medicine we don’t have such term adaptogen. We basically have herbs. We would characterize herbs by which meridian it goes to support, for example, ginseng, it goes to the heart meridian, the kidney meridian, versus I think kiwi goes to the spleen meridian, another long meridian.
1:07:24 Angela Zeng: So that’s how we focus on that. So basically each food can help you to cope with environmental stress. Just depends on how you utilize it.
1:07:36 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah, that makes sense. That makes sense. I just, I know that, I know that there’s so many drinks out there that try to utilize adaptogens.
1:07:45 Angela Zeng: You have to find a catchy marketing word. Right, right, right.
1:07:48 Tansy Rodgers: And like they throw those in there. And I was curious if you bring those into or if you just focus on foundational principles from TCM foundation principles.
1:08:00 Angela Zeng: I think that’s the. That’s the thing about traditional remedies. It’s supposed to be. Each remedy should be unique to the patient him or herself at that moment. It was never like one thing fits all. You know, if we have to do something in general like we use for everyone. We have lots of those remedies too. Usually is for. Usually we make it thermal neutral. Is that we. We would combine different fruits from different thermal groups and bring it to the final results. It’s like the synergies more cultivating instead of it can potentially harm you.
1:08:37 Angela Zeng: You know because. Yeah like I explained a lot of green juice. When you drink when your body is already very young deficient and you kind of leave on the green juice for a few days, you may actually damaging your health more than helping yourself. Yeah, yeah. Just be really mindful. Don’t follow one thing is never ever follow the trend. Because the trend is someone would say oh keto is great. Keto in the real medical field was for epilepsy refractory treatment.
1:09:11 Angela Zeng: It was never ever a dietary method until they find oh maybe helping the diabetic patients, certain cancer patients. But there was no good reason for it to generalize. The only good thing it did was let people ditch the simple carbs. You know the simple carbs, the heavily processed carbs. Yeah. They are not good for you. But on the other side, if you deprive yourself from fiber. There are plenty of report showing the cardiovascular incident actually raised after this keto trend. I heard from, you know, I heard from multiple different research reports.
1:09:48 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah, yeah.
1:09:50 Angela Zeng: Always be mindful. Don’t follow a trend. I mean if you want to try to try it for a few days, less than two weeks just to see if your body get along with it. But the common sense is like. Like you said, ground yourself to the principle that something works for thousands of years. What on the other hand start supported by large scale clinical study. Multiple studies, not just one study gained headline. And remember that that study about women’s health the hormone therapy is crazy is bad.
1:10:24 Angela Zeng: Now there more evidence so showing for certain people it can be protective. You know. So I think everything is like this has. Yes, Ying and Yang is never absolutely right, is never absolutely wrong. It depends on who you are, what kind of situation you are in at that moment and what goal you try to achieve at that moment.
1:10:48 Tansy Rodgers: And that makes complete sense. And so let’s think about something that maybe a lot of people really struggle with and kind of think about these principles that you just talked about. Chronic inflammation is something that I hear about and I see all the time in my practice and it’s such a pain point for so many people from your expertise. So I’m curious about two things. Number one, in your drink line, is there something specifically that you would recommend for people that are dealing with chronic inflammation?
1:11:17 Tansy Rodgers: And number two, are there some natural, everyday strategies that you suggest as a professional to help combat inflammation from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective?
1:11:31 Angela Zeng: Yeah.
1:11:32 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah.
1:11:32 Angela Zeng: Simple, simple things you can do. First thing, from the moment you get up in the morning, hydrate yourself. Don’t go for the black coffee or the coffee drinks right away. Caffeinated drinks will dehydrate you more because after seven, hopefully seven or eight hours sleep. Sleep. Right. Your body is slightly dehydrated already. So you want to hydrate first and then you can enjoy the coffee. Have some food, have some nice food. Not just pancake muffin, you know, hopefully you can have like a piece of, you know like a whole grain bread with, with eggs or, or you know, a nice smoothie. You know, like I, I like to go with our own smoothie because it’s whole grain based and, and it’s natural clean protein and, and then during the day you, you, you want to.
1:12:25 Angela Zeng: Well, it’s almost like a lifestyle. I mean, it’s almost like you want to plan your day well so you don’t get this last minute stress, say, oh, I forgot about that. Now I have to drop everything and go do this. Oh, whenever I have to deal with that. It’s so much stress, right? It’s so much stress. That’s why moms, right? You got this call from the school. Oh, your kids are sick. Now you have to pick.
1:12:45 Angela Zeng: Okay, now I have to change the whole schedule. You’re stressed out, but you know, have those five minutes distress moments. That’s because all those stress factors increase your information and then common sense. Avoiding not so good food already. Talk about like the fast food. Lots of fast food are not good for you because it’s heavily processed and kind contains lots of chemicals. Oh, and finally, I think the FDA recognized the health hazards by those food color, artificial colors. Right. So Red 3 got banned, but we still have many other colors if they are not natural. Here’s the thing.
1:13:28 Angela Zeng: Artificial color, absolutely bad natural color, great for you. They are the sign of strong antioxidants. That’s why you want to eat rainbow color. You put rainbow color foods on your plate. The red pepper, yellow, whatever like orange color like carrots and green veggies. No brainer. Dark purple, blueberries, whatever. Arona berries. All those colors are simple or symbols of natural antioxidants and fibers.
1:14:04 Angela Zeng: And then I heard, I have, I’m sure you too people, meat lovers suddenly switch to plant based diets, they’re going to have a tough time. Because you need a transition stage. Your body is not going to be able to deal with that much fiber right away. They all up slowly have a plan again. Planning is important. If you suddenly switch from a meat lover to plant based, you’re going to quit right away say ah, bloating up gas. I have so much issue of course because your body is not used to digest fiber. There’s no fiber in meat. I think a real survey data is more than 60% of Americans say fiber comes from beef.
1:14:44 Angela Zeng: No. Just because they have those fiberish like tissue. They are muscle tissue. They are not fiber. So fiber only exists in plants. So you and your body have never dealt with this. Fiber is going to take a while because you need the good bacterias is not your human cell can digest fiber. You need those good bacterias to digest the fiber. And those bacterias when you’re eating so much meat, they are not there. So it’s going to take a while for them to grow.
1:15:17 Angela Zeng: So when you’re slowly to add some fiber ish food in you, you will start to have those good bacterias. And those good bacterias will actually to keep you from gaining weight. There’s a real study, we have a nickname. They’re the thing. They’re the bacteria help you to lose weight versus those bacteria who love the junk food. They will help you to gain weight. So depends on what you will try to achieve. If you want to gain weight, do whatever sports, maybe eat those.
1:15:49 Angela Zeng: Most of us want to maintain weight or lose weight and eat natural high fiber food. Yeah. You will see good results. And then when you have lots of good bacterias in your body, guess what they’re going to do? They’re going to release those chemicals, make you feel happy.
1:16:09 Tansy Rodgers: Yes, definitely transition to a high fiber diet slowly because it can be very very uncomfortable.
1:16:19 Angela Zeng: Yes.
1:16:21 Tansy Rodgers: When it comes to this chronic inflammation, do you feel like adopting more of a mindful and conscious living concept is a big part of that as well?
1:16:33 Angela Zeng: Yes. Yes. Even just let’s say you’re driving and suddenly someone cut you off the line and then you feel angry. Don’t let that anger take off, take over you. Somebody did something bad to you. Always remember, I start to tell myself instead of cursing that person back, you have to remember that person is only doing him or herself a bad flavor, you know, favor, whatever. Because whatever, they were in a rush or they’re in a bad mood, they are damaging their limber and heart meridian big time.
1:17:13 Angela Zeng: Don’t get that negative energy onto yourself. You just deal with, just take few deep breaths. What’s a big deal? I don’t lose anything. I don’t, I didn’t even lose $1, 1 penny or even somebody steal $100 from you. Just let it go. I think once I use limo, right? And I sent the money to the wrong person. At first I was like, and that was like almost a thousand dollars. I was like, I said that I sent a note to that person. I say, oh gosh, I, I think I typed the raw. This is I supposed to send to someone else. Could you please.
1:17:52 Angela Zeng: Of course. I can’t even find. Then I was so stupid. I spent enough time trying to research Google search. Who is this person? I’m going to track him down. And finally I’d realized my zen inner self say you are wasting your precious energy and time. Just let it go, treat it as a donation. And the funny thing is a year later I suddenly got this no from that person saying no, I’m not gonna return that money to you. Like this is so funny. But I feel so laughable. I was like, so what? I didn’t even write anything back.
1:18:30 Tansy Rodgers: Oh my gosh.
1:18:31 Tansy Rodgers: They didn’t return it?
1:18:33 Angela Zeng: No, no, didn’t return. But he wrote a note. I was so stupid, right? Just take the money and run.
1:18:41 Tansy Rodgers: Oh my gosh.
1:18:43 Angela Zeng: Talk.
1:18:44 Tansy Rodgers: Talk about being on someone’s conscious. I can’t eat. Oh my God. Karma right there.
1:18:50 Angela Zeng: But there are lots of people are like that. Just. I’m just saying don’t let those people, they’re bad bad behavior or especially their bad emotion drag you down. When you get angry, when you get try to think about a plan to revenge, you are wasting your precious energy and time. God is always fair. Gives us, oh you know, every one of us 24 hours a day. Unfortunately most of us not spending those time wisely.
1:19:23 Angela Zeng: So never say it’s not fair. You’re fair when you have 24 hours. Everyone you know it’s not. You get a thousand dollar pavers, that person get ten thousand dollar pay. You got the same 24 hours. But we choose how to spend it. And then you Spend two hours a day feeling, being mistreated and whatever, being cheated. It doesn’t get us anywhere. I learned that.
1:19:49 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah. Well, I think it’s really interesting what you said too about how it, how it connects into the liver and the heart meridian and how that can actually that all that anger, all of that energy that you’re feeling really plays a huge factor and it shows how it plays a huge factor in your health and affecting your heart and your liver, which then simultaneously affects other functions in the body.
1:20:17 Angela Zeng: Our stomach’s so sensitive to emotion.
1:20:20 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah. Wow. So this whole mindfulness, when you hear the concept, mindful eating. So how does that transition? Like, you know, ideally we’re supposed to.
1:20:32 Angela Zeng: Have a very calm, peaceful dinner as a family. Actually the old fashioned probably people still, many people still do it. Have a prayer before your meal. It really calms you down. Get yourself ready to enjoy and appreciate the food instead of. We all come from. With you know, heavy burden from our day activities sometimes most times stress out, tiresome, not so happy. Don’t bring that to your dinner table. And then including myself sometimes parents like to use dinner opportunity as, as, as the opportunity to, to.
1:21:09 Angela Zeng: To teach children a lesson. Did you do this? Did you do that? Why you didn’t do this? You know, Right. We have to remember self doing that. You know, maybe it’s better just be quiet enjoying the food and then. I still can’t correct that habits from my kids. They like to put their phone in front of themselves while eating. Like it’s not good for your stomach. Please. Oh, it’s our own time to watch the show.
1:21:39 Angela Zeng: Whatever.
1:21:40 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah.
1:21:43 Angela Zeng: Oh, I say all the blood will go into your eyes and that’ll go into your stomach. Oh, we don’t feel. Because you are still young, when you’re old, like my age, you’re gonna feel it.
1:21:56 Tansy Rodgers: Well, you know, as we’re bringing this conversation towards the end, I want to highlight a little bit more of your beverage company that you have. I want to talk about why you created it. I want to talk about what was the passion, the thought behind it. What motivated you to create this as part of the work that you do.
1:22:14 Angela Zeng: This almost sounds like a little bit crazy or freaky or whatever. It’s almost like going back to that story I tell you when I was little, I hear this whatever like the beautiful, beautiful music from outer space or I don’t know where it was from. I don’t know. At this moment, I have to say the driving force of me still doing this extremely stressful work is a lot of work. And there are lots of unfair, I mean, talking about unfair things in the retail. You can talk to any entrepreneurs in the food beverage industry. You’ll learn there’s lots of unfair things going on there. In terms of small brands, how small brands get treated versus of course the big brands like Pepsi and Coke. Right.
1:23:06 Angela Zeng: Because the big brands will do everything to crash you, to kill you at infancy. Always like that. So I think for me, I do feel like I have this mission. I’m not saying this is from God or whatever. I think that’s silly and stupid. I just have this feeling. I, like I said, I want to serve as the conduit of mother nature to people now, these days, so caught up with their own life, social media and the fake, fake world life and then start to complain. We don’t feel well because we detach ourselves from the true root of good health.
1:23:49 Angela Zeng: The more I can spread this message, that’s why I really appreciate opportunities like this. People just, you know, take a little break, five minutes break each day and think about their inner self, their connection with their surroundings. Maybe the world will become a little bit better. That’s truly how I feel. I mean, it’s kind of feeling strange, you know, this world cut into lots of my, my personal hobby time, vacation time, family time and is very tiresome.
1:24:23 Angela Zeng: I’m still doing it because I feel like I have this, I have this calling, this responsibility. I should do it. I only have one life at this moment. Hopefully I do believe afterlife, those things, but at this moment, as long as I can still do it, I’ll do it.
1:24:46 Tansy Rodgers: I feel like it’s almost a tool for you to be an extension of that conduit that you want to be in the work that you’re doing.
1:24:55 Angela Zeng: Yeah, it’s kind of strange to explain, but that’s truly how I feel. It’s almost like the world need more people with this kind of feeling and believe instead of people just take their anger, unhappiness on social media and start to complain or attack each other. It’s not about attacking each other, it’s about what you can do. The change. Start with yourself. It doesn’t have to be your change to another human being.
1:25:26 Angela Zeng: It can be just you change your relationship with other things around you.
1:25:32 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah, I love that. And that’s why I wanted to ask you that question because I used to, I used to go every year to the different natural product expos that they have here in the US and they may have them internationally too, I don’t know. But here in the US at least. And I’d always go to the one here on the East Coast. And I remember, like, I would get so excited and fired up talking to some of these really, really small food or supplement brands and their passion, the reason that they created what they created, and you could feel the soul in their products and.
1:26:13 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah, and like, you could just, you could feel the passion and what they were trying to bring to the world. And so being able to connect with that and also as a consumer, being able to connect with that, I feel like you’re getting a piece of, of the creator and a piece of their soul. That’s just, that’s just my opinion.
1:26:34 Angela Zeng: Everyone is a creator. You’re a creator, I’m a creator. Everyone is a creator. You can create something in the kitchen. Never estimate your power. You can create and then you can connect with others.
1:26:48 Tansy Rodgers: Yeah. For our listeners who are really inspired by this conversation and want to explore more and want to try out your, your drink line, can you tell us where they can find you, where you’re hanging out and how they can get their hands onto your work, but also your products?
1:27:11 Angela Zeng: Yeah. Just go to our website, so that’s K A R V I V A V is as Victor Victory. So I do blog articles every week so you can read about it. Like today I have an interesting one coming out too. And then sign up our newsletters, we always talk about, like the newsletter we issued on Tuesdays about how to do a simple quiz to test whether you are. You have adrenal burnout issue. Yeah. So we try to make things, you know, easy for people to kind of achieve a better understanding of themselves and simple tips they can apply to their daily life. I always say, you don’t have to buy my drinks. You know, go research them.
1:28:03 Angela Zeng: And the taste is not for everyone because I don’t use artificial sweeteners. I use monk fruits, and I use lots of interesting ingredients. Right. So, but you know, most people with very clean taste buds, enjoying them very much. I would say give them a try. But the most important thing is if you want to become healthy and happy, the first thing is to think about your attitude, how you, how you think about yourself, you know, seriously, how you think, how do you describe yourself you’re feeling at the moment, Yesterday’s feeling, today’s feeling, and how you would like to feel tomorrow.
1:28:48 Angela Zeng: And then you feeling against even your husband, your wife, your children, your boss, your peers, your neighbors, you will suddenly realize why I have so many negative feelings. Let them go Spring is the perfect season to clean. Do some good cleaning. Get those negative stuff out of your life.
1:29:19 Tansy Rodgers: I love that. All of the show or all of the links that we mentioned in the show today will be down in the show notes. So get down there and click on those links, try out some of the beverages. And by the way, I think monk fruit as sweetener is delicious us. So I think that that is a perfect sweetener for this. Angela, do you have any last words that you want to lay on the hearts of listeners today before we sign off?
1:29:47 Angela Zeng: Yeah, I’m sorry I talked too long again, but no, this is.
1:29:53 Tansy Rodgers: No, this is great.
1:29:54 Angela Zeng: An hour. Like I said, no. Feel like a minute. But like I said, when you’re not feeling well, instead of feeling anxious and unhappy or start to find someone to blame on right away, it just start with yourself. You know, happiness come from your inner self and it’s not that hard to find. And you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to pursue happiness.
1:30:26 Tansy Rodgers: Thank you so much for being here, Angela, and thank you so much for the work that you’re doing.
1:30:33 Angela Zeng: Thank you.
1:30:35 Tansy Rodgers: Wow. This episode was such a powerful reminder that we don’t need to fight against our bodies, we just need to learn how to work with them. You know, if you are feeling like this episode resonated with you, I’d love if you would subscribe, Leave a quick review, share it out with a friend. Your support helps keep these conversations going and brings this information to more people who really need it right now.
1:31:02 Tansy Rodgers: And if this episode resonated, you want to dive deeper, Maybe think about what your biggest takeaway was. Maybe your biggest takeaway was learning how seasonal rhythms really impact your energy. Maybe it was the importance of qi flow in both physical and emotional health. Or maybe it was something even deeper, like the realization that healing happens when we bring together ancient wisdom and modern knowledge in a way that feels aligned.
1:31:32 Tansy Rodgers: Whatever it was, don’t let it stop here. Take that knowledge, that shift, and actually do something with it. Whether it’s incorporating more energy, balancing foods, tuning into your body signals, or even just being more, more mindful about the way that you nourish yourself. Love it. All right, my friend, my soul. Creative. Until next time, Keep spreading that beautiful energy you are born to share.